Law of Attraction Archives | Higher Vibes Life Raise Your Vibrations for a Better Life Wed, 10 May 2023 04:19:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors Wed, 10 May 2023 04:12:52 +0000 Your life is the total of your thoughts, feeling, and behaviors. All of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you have throughout the day, are putting you in this exact spot in life – in this exact moment in time. All you have – all you are – are from the sum total of your [...]

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Your life is the total of your thoughts, feeling, and behaviors. All of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you have throughout the day, are putting you in this exact spot in life – in this exact moment in time. All you have – all you are – are from the sum total of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Once you can fully grasp this concept in your life, you can quite literally start living the life of your dreams.

We want what is familiar. When something is familiar, it is comfortable. We tend to seek out comfort and familiarity instead of something different. But that something different is how you change.

If you are anything into the law of attraction or manifestation or living life on a higher frequency, I know you have heard this concept before.

Reap what you sow.

What you program in, gets programmed out.

Where your energy goes, your attention flows.

You get what you expect.

All of these are true. But how does this affect your life? What do we truly mean when we say thoughts, feelings, and behaviors dictate our life?

Let’s do a few exercises to show you what I mean.

Thoughts, Feeling, and Behaviors

thoughts, feelings and behaviorsLet’s start with a simple one: Your daily habits.

I have a morning routine where I am awake by 530a and spend an hour meditating, sitting in silence, sitting in gratitude, full of love and bliss. My time to just sit and be incredibly grateful for another day on this beautiful planet. Another day to see my beautiful wife and kids. To make a change in the world with my writing. Just to see and be. I emit a very high frequency – high vibrations – during this time because I am in a state of love and bliss.

Then at 630a, my boy’s alarm goes off and I go from a state of love and bliss to chaos and anger. Trying to get kids out the door who don’t want to get dressed, eat breakfast, or even go to the flippin’ bathroom! My frequency – no matter how hard I try, goes to a low frequency.

Those 2 hours of the morning, give me a middle wave vibration to start my day. High, then low, puts you an average of the middle. My day isn’t ruined, but I am also not riding a high vibration at that moment. I am in the middle. I am the sum total of my thoughts, feeling, and behaviors.

How can I raise my vibrations here? I am working on being calmer, and emitting more love when I get my boys ready in the morning. I raise that vibration, my average vibration goes up throughout the day and things start improving. Got me so far?

Great – so let’s use a real-life example of how we can apply this to life and our goals. Let’s do it with money and wealth.

When I was 26, I got married to the love of my life. And boy that was a stressful time. We both were finishing up master’s degrees, working minimum wage jobs, and living in a townhome we barely were scraping to get by. I think I was at 27k a year or something like that. I had just learned about the law of attraction via reading The Secret and was starting to soak up all the authors in this space. One of those reads was The Feeling Is The Secret, by Neville Godard. Basically, Neville says that the secret to life is FEELING the way you want to feel in the future. By feeling the way you want to feel, you basically BE the person you need to be to DO The things to get you want.

My first big at-bat with this was manifesting more money into my life. But it couldn’t just be about the money, because money doesn’t have a direct feeling or emotion attached to it. It is what money can bring. So I did a 10 levels deep exercise – where you go 10 levels deep on the ‘why’. You can read more here on the 10 levels deep exercise.

Turns out for me, making more money means giving my wife, and my future kids the life they deserve. A house with a backyard, vacations, and the works. I HAD to get there. So I set a goal: 100k before I was 30 years old.

Why 100k? I mean – isn’t that the gold standard for wealth when you are making 27k? And why 30? IDK – seemed like a good even number. So I set it – and off I went.

2 years went by, and I was making 35k. Nowhere NEAR where I thought I would be. I should be close to at least 60k if 100k was going to come into reach. And here comes all the doubt about does the secret really work? Am I really meant just to be a 35k earner in my life? Maybe this is what wealth looks like in my life?

Then one night, I randomly decided to log into my Kindle and go through old books that I read in the past. And one stuck out like a sore thumb: The feeling is the secret.


I wasn’t FEELING wealth. In fact – I was feeling the opposite. I was still feeling debt. Lack. Scarcity. And you know what I was getting? Debt. Lack Scarcity. I was still worried about if we had money each money. Still stressing that I can’t take my wife to anything but the dollar menu at Mcdonald’s. Still looking at my beater of a car I quite literally would pray to god to let it start just one more day so I can try to change this position. And you know what god did? He gave me exactly what I asked for. That car always just barely started. I just barely could afford date night. I always just barely paid the mortgage. But that wasn’t the wealth that was going to give my future family the life we need.

So I had to change my feeling. I started with the most basic of questions: What does wealth feel like?

Well – I will tell you what it doesn’t feel like. It doesn’t feel like worrying about money. It doesn’t feel like wondering if you can pay your house payment or not. It doesn’t feel like not being able to take your wife to nice dinners. It doesn’t feel like a piece of shit car.

And here is where I had that moment of change in my life. I realized I was trying to manifest the feeling of wealth by NOT manifesting the feeling of lack. But that only made me see and feel the lack. The emotion of scarcity. The thoughts of “can we afford life right now”. I needed to flip the script.

I needed to get around wealth. I needed to get accustomed to how wealthy people live and think, to cultivate those feelings.

At this time, I was driving an hour each way to my job. About halfway through, I drive through a city called Del Mar. Known to be a high-end area, but not outrageous. It was a city I always thought wealthy people would live, and I wanted to live if I was wealthy. So one random day, I pulled off the freeway and pulled into a little housing development there. I got out and just walked around.

God damn it was uncomfortable. People in nice clothes, with nice cars in the driveway, in their nice houses, were looking at me wondering what this rif raf was doing in their neighborhood – or so that is what I thought people were doing. Truth be told now – no one gave a shit I was there. So I walked around.

And I did it again. Different neighborhood. New day – new area. I went to the coffee shops in the morning and bought a coffee in Del Mar. I went to their parks. I picked up groceries at their stores. I surrounded myself with the feelings of “wealth” or how I interpreted wealth at this time. I also did things like subscribe to the Robb Report. Signed up for ‘high-end’ newsletters. And the kicker – I took my wife out for a dinner that cost over $100 for a date night. I have never had more stress in my entire life – but I knew I had to do it. Do you know why?

Every single one of those events raised my standard of wealth and lowered my standard of what I would accept in my life. Because my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors were aligned when the idea of wealth because I was surrounding myself with wealth. I was normalizing Mercedes and BMWs instead of Ford and Hondas. I was seeing 30k watches in magazines and saying “I don’t like that color” because I have seen so many. I was raising what it FELT LIKE to be wealthy.

And sure as shit – one thing led to another, I randomly landed a sales role within my company, went from 45k to 85k, and finally 118k the year I turned 30.

I didn’t even realize I made it until 2 months after my 30th birthday when I got my commission statement to YTD was over 100k. I sat back in my chair and was like ‘Whoa – this works’. And I haven’t looked back since.

Don’t Stop Believing

Trust me I know it is very hard to do when you are scraping to get by to try to cultivate the feelings of wealth. But also trust me when I tell you that you need to. If you want to achieve all the dreams you have dreamt, you MUST put the thoughts and feelings into a place of feeling in that state NOW, or else it will never come. Yes – it is awkward.

It is awkward valeting your 2009 Hyundai Elantra at a restaurant where there are Lambos and Ferraris. Yes, I know your hand literally trembles to hand over your $250 limit credit card for a $115 meal for the first time in your life. Yes, I know the look in your wife’s eye when you mustard up all the money you have to attend a concert, but literally have no money for even a goddamn pretzel at intermission, but you still say “Get whatever you want honey”. Trust me – I know those moments are tough.

But it hurts the worst the first time. Before you know it, you are valeting your porches and commenting on the ugly color of the Maclren you are parked next to. The every date night is $150+. And those concerts are the best indulgences of your life.

I don’t say those things to impress you – I really don’t. I want to impress upon you that I was a lost soul who finally learned how to make the universe work for me, but using my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors-, and if you want to get everything you want in life – this is the way.

Set your sights on what you want. figure out the true why. And do whatever you need to do to cultivate the feeling that the life you want is already in front of you. Then sit back and relax as you watch everything you have ever dreamed about come into your life.

Or you can continue to struggle the way you are living now. The choice is truly up to you.

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The Feeling Is The Secret Fri, 10 Sep 2021 03:09:11 +0000 The Feeling Is The Secret is a book by Neville Goddard, who I believe is one of the godfathers of law of attraction. What he teaches in The Feeling Is The Secret, and his other teachings, goes far beyond what The Secret does in modern age. Specifically, he touches on one main piece that I see [...]

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The Feeling Is The Secret is a book by Neville Goddard, who I believe is one of the godfathers of law of attraction. What he teaches in The Feeling Is The Secret, and his other teachings, goes far beyond what The Secret does in modern age. Specifically, he touches on one main piece that I see SO MANY people miss when trying to manifest.


I bet you know that your thoughts become things, but what doesn’t an elephant appear when you think about an elephant?

Ok, sure – you could say there is a gestation period like all things in the world – including manifestation – so things do magically appear. If this was your answer – kudos to being a great student.

But there is another reason why some of the things you manifest don’t reveal themselves: you think it – but you don’t FEEL it.

Whatever you are looking to get for your future self, you have to be able to FEEL how that would feel NOW. Not later. Not when you get it. NOW.

You can see this in happiness in most people.

I will be happen when I get that promotion.

I will be happy when I find that perfect person.

I will be happy when I make $100,000 a year.

The main issue in that way of thinking is that those goals will never come to you, because you are putting your feeling in that future state. If you don’t know how to feel those feelings NOW, how do you expect to feel those feelings then?

And there is where most people fail with the law of attraction.

If you really want to succeed in your manifestations, you need to start FEELING the feelings that you would have when you receive it, but feel them now.

The Feeling Is The SecretThe Feeling Is The Secret

Getting the feeling down is probably the hardest part about manifestation because let’s face it: If you don’t know what it feels like to make 100k, how can you possibly know what it feels like to make 100k?

Or lose 50 lbs.

Or get that relationship of your dreams.

Or get that car of your dreams.

They do describe this in The Secret. There is a scene in the movie, where they are telling you to sit in your chair, and imagine that you are behind the wheel of your brand new sports car – and they have this whole scene about it. That is the feeling. Sure – you can imagine it, dream it, visualize it – but if you don’t have the FEELINGS behind it, you just won’t get there.

Because you have never been there, you truly don’t know what it feels like. And there lies the biggest problem. If you can’t feel it – you can’t manifest it.

So let’s pose the question: How do you get the feeling?

Simple – you get the feeling.

Yes – that is over simplistic but that truly is how you do it. In order to generate the feelings of getting what you want, you ave to start generating the feelings of what you want. Not when you get it – now.

I was 25 years young when I came across The Secret. Fresh out of college (yes – it took me awhile), working dead end job making maybe 30k a year. I wanted more – I knew I wanted more. I came from a poor upbringing and had a very poor money mindset. I wanted out of it – and knew that I could. But no matter what I did I could not get it. I did the visualizations, affirmations, meditations, and whatever other -ations I could throw at it. Nothing was changing. Until I changed.

I read this story about playing games with yourself in order to generate the feelings of what you are looking to do. In this case – financial abundance. So I decided it couldn’t hurt – it will only work, right? So I started putting myself in situations surround wealth.

  • I subscribed to the Robb Report magazine.
  • I took daily walks in the most affluent neighborhoods in San Diego (Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, Encinitas, etc).
  • I would try on pants at a store, and put $20 in the pocket and put them back on the rack.
  • I test drove a BMW 5 series.
  • I took my car to the valet.
  • I dropped $200 on a dinner with my girlfriend (now wife).

Every single one of these things scared the living sh*t out of me. I didn’t belong in those neighborhoods. I didn’t have extra money to just drop in pockets for someone else. I drove a 2000 Pontiac sunfire – who the f*ck valet thats? That $200 dinner – on a credit card because I didn’t have enough in the bank – hell the card only had a $500 limit!

Crazy? Yes – yes it was. Did I feel the feelings of abundance the first time? Absolutely not. In fact – it triggered more stress and feelings of lack that abundance.

But I kept at it. Because I believed this will work. And do you know what started happening?

  • The price tag of those items in the Robb Report started to become normal. 100k for a watch? Well – it is a nice watch.
  • I started to normalize seeing Porches and Mercedes and BMW and Range Rovers in those fancy neighborhoods. It was no longer ‘look at that fancy car’ but simply – look at that car.
  • Parking in the valet became normal – I was actually pissed when a restaurant or hotel did NOT have valet. What – you want me to self park like a peasant?
  • Date nights now consist of $200 meals easily, and freely.

2 years later, I pulled my first 100k year –  nearly 4 years to the day of earning that 30k a year.  But more important than the earning is building my abundance mindset. Every time I drop $200 on a dinner date with my wife, I give a little smile because it isn’t money being spent, it is good times and memories being made, well worth the money for dinner.

That story may feel like a boastful brag, but the key takeaway point is to generate the feelings. Yes – it will feel uncomfortable walking through ritzy neighborhoods when you are used to the slums. Yes – it will feel weird shopping for the new clothes you will wear when you lose that 50 lbs. Yes – it will feel odd testing driving that 911 GT3 Porsche.

But unless you know what it feels like in those moments – you will never know what it feels like in those moments. You will never be able to normalize a fancy neighborhood. You will never be able to see yourself 50 pounds lighter. You will never know what 346 ft lbs of torque really feels like off the line.

That is why you need to do whatever you can to start feeling the feelings of your end result. Feel FROM your goals, not when you get there.

If you can master the feeling of what you want – there literally is nothing stopping you from the life of your dreams.

So feel the feelings – and get the life that you want!

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What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail Tue, 28 Jul 2020 03:22:39 +0000 There is a process – a framework – to manifesting everything you want in your life. It isn’t rocket science. There is actually a science to prove it works. The best place to start? Ask yourself: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? One of the first steps in the framework [...]

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There is a process – a framework – to manifesting everything you want in your life. It isn’t rocket science. There is actually a science to prove it works. The best place to start? Ask yourself: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

One of the first steps in the framework to manifest everything you want is to know what you want. And surprisingly, this is one of the hardest things to do. You would think it would be the easiest, but people don’t handle it the right way.

The worst offender is people wanting something because someone else has it. That is the ego telling you what you want and sadly, the ego is the biggest blocker of the law of attraction.

See someone driving a nice car and saying something like “ug – why do they get to drive a nice car and I don’t” is coming from a place of lack – not abundance – and that is one of the worst mindsets to have in life – much less a life you are trying to get abundance on.

Another offender – which is the one I want to talk about here – is the ‘it’s impossible’ mindset. They want to attract all these things – money, relationship, success, houses, cars, you name it – but they limit themselves to what they think they could do.

They really want to earn six figures, but they think based on their current state that that is impossible, so they say 60k instead. Still a stretch, but way easier to wrap the head around it.

I was doing some goal setting work with someone one time and they told me they want to earn 70k in real estate. I asked why not 700k (which is possible in real estate), and they said that is too big of a goal. 70k would be great.

Too big of a goal? That is the whole damn idea!!

If you are going to set goals, why not set them big? Why not dream as big as you can think? Because guess what – you are going to get what you think about. You are going to get what you are manifesting. Wouldn’t you hate to get to 70k and be like ‘shoulda gone for 700k’? Or would you rather hit 70k on the way to 700k and be like ‘awe yeah – one more milestone down’?

The choice is really ultimately up to you. Goal setting is something I cannot help you with. It has to be your goal – your dream – your desire. It cannot be for anyone else but you.

Here is the best way I tell people to start to ‘what do I want’ discussion with yourself:

What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail

If you knew that nothing could stop you, and that failure was impossible, what would you want? What would you be doing? If you had all the time, all the money, all the space in your life to put whatever you wanted into your life, what would that be? What would you have? Where would you live? What would you drive? What would your family look like? What would your travel look like?

Fill in all the space here. If there was no resistance – zero friction – who would you be? Write from that frame.

And think big!

I cannot stress this fact enough. When I first started on my Law of Attraction journey, I played it small. I played the who ‘let’s manifest a cup of coffee’ game. Which is great – I mean – I got it. But it feels a little letdown. It’s fun – but I should have asked for the whole coffee pot. Heck – how about the island with coffee beans growing on it?

You get the idea.

Don’t go small here. Manifest your life dreams means dreaming! Go big!

But start with the question of what would you do if you knew you could not fail. That will frame up the mindset of thinking big. No restrictions – who are you. Answer that – and watch your life unfold!

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A Higher Vision Of Your Life Tue, 16 Jun 2020 03:27:08 +0000 You are here, at this moment. Right now. But that doesn’t mean you need to stay here. Having a higher vision of your life will help you to keep your goals and dreams in front of you while focusing on the moment right now. This is a big piece of the puzzle of life. So [...]

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You are here, at this moment. Right now. But that doesn’t mean you need to stay here. Having a higher vision of your life will help you to keep your goals and dreams in front of you while focusing on the moment right now.

This is a big piece of the puzzle of life. So many people don’t know who they want to me, what they want to do or where they want to go. Sure – you may have dreams and aspirations – but for what? For who? You? Or the world around you that is dictating this is how you are supposed to live?

A higher vision of your life is your dreams. All of them. Every single one. It’s that perfect world with no friction, no blockers, and no limits. It’s everything you want to be, have, and do. It’s your future self – the person you know you were meant to be. The higher vision of your life.

A Higher Vision of Your Life

higher life visionWhenever I talk about the law of attraction or helping people achieve all of their dreams, or just having conversations on life, I always tell people that the first thing you need to do is create that higher vision of your life. It’s your roadmap. You can’t know where you want to go if you don’t have a map. I don’t care how good at directions you think you are, or how solid your so-called life plan is – if you don’t have the most detailed plan of the highest version of your self and your life, you will never get anywhere close to where you want to be.

When you start thinking about the highest version of yourself, you naturally start heading in that direction. You naturally start becoming the person you know you can be. You gravitate toward the things that you need in your life. You start believing that you are that version of yourself, and like magic – you just become it.

And here is the most beautiful thing about that process: Once you become the higher version of your life, guess what you get to do again? That is right – go higher.

The sky is the limit here – literally. You can start pushing yourself further and further until you no longer exist in this world. There is no stopping, no quitting, no settling. Just the beautiful possibility of the infinite.

So the question is: Do you have the higher version of your life?

And not just in your head. You will forget it. It has to be written down. On paper. With a pen. I love my online journals (Evernote for the win!), but if you really want to get something to stick, write down the higher vision of your life in a notebook by hand. There is something about the words behind drawn out on the notebook that sticks them deep in your subconscious.

And once written, it needs to be read. Multiple times a day. Get it so ingrained in you that it becomes your life. You are obsessed with it. You read it and get lost in it like your favorite novel. You get attached emotionally. You are there – in that life in those pages – experiences and feeling everything that you have written, over and over again till it becomes second nature.

Then you write it again. And read it again. Then write it again. And read it again. You continue to tweak and adjust your story, then get lost in the pages of your future life.

Because that is how this all works. You don’t magically wake up one morning with all your dreams sitting in your front lawn. You get them because you already know what they feel like. You have been there in your story so often that there is no doubt in your mind, body, and soul that you are there – in your future vision. You know the scenes, you know the emotions, you know the feelings – and you are just there experiencing it again.

Yes – this takes work. But how bad do you want your dreams? How bad do you want that higher vision of yourself to come true in your life? How bad do you want that money? How bad do you want that success? How bad do you want that life of freedom? It’s all there. You just have to be able to step into the realm of possibility, feel it – believe it – and then experience it.

But then again – because it is everything you want – it shouldn’t feel like work. It should feel like you are the author and creator of one of the greatest stories around. Because you are! You get to determine how far you go in life. You get to determine how much you want to feel and experience. You get to determine what you want in life. And you get to determine the work ethic you put in to get it.

So go out and write. Be that author of your future story, and get so excited about writing that story that you cannot wait to go read it and get in that moment. Get in that moment again and again and again. Over and over. Keep refining your story, keep re-defining yourself. Keep dreaming, keep reaching, and one day everything will come true. You will experience a level of satisfaction, contentment, and happiness that you never thought was possible because you realize that you are the creator – you are making your life – you are the author that gets to pen how everything turns out. And you are the beautiful soul that gets to enjoy the ending as well.

So enjoy the ending.

And go write that vision of your higher self. Watch your life transform.

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How The Law Of Attraction Works Fri, 09 Nov 2018 03:47:25 +0000 I am going to assume since you landing on this page, you have someone of knowledge, or interest, or somewhat of capacity for the law of attraction. Maybe you are deep in the world, maybe you are just getting started, maybe you are just curious. Either way – the matter still remains – you are [...]

The post How The Law Of Attraction Works appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

I am going to assume since you landing on this page, you have someone of knowledge, or interest, or somewhat of capacity for the law of attraction.

Maybe you are deep in the world, maybe you are just getting started, maybe you are just curious.

Either way – the matter still remains – you are here. Welcome!

I have been an astute student of the laws of the universe since I read The Secret for the first time. That being my first introduction to this beautiful world of a positive mindset, where your thoughts dictate your world, I got deep into – and still am.

Even after all the things I have manifested into my life – it still amazes me and puts me in awe that by simply watching your thoughts, remaining positive, knowing what you want, opening your heart to receiving it, and surrendering the higher power out in the world, you will get whatever it is that you want in the world.

Without fail.

In The Secret, the author writes about manifesting just a cup of coffee.

“Yeah – right,” I thought. How can you just imagine a cup of coffee and get it?

2 days later I went to Starbucks, as I do sometimes, to buy a cup of coffee. The person in front of me bought my coffee. I was like – Aww – that was nice of them – and continued on my day. It wasn’t until I told my wife that night that I realized – OMG – it worked.

So I tried to manifest again. And again. And again. And again! And every single time – even to this day – with the right steps – everything I have asked for from the universe has come my way.

Sound too good to be true? Try it. That is all I ask.

How Does The Law Of Attraction Work?

At this point, you may be wondering how all this hocus pocus works. That is the makings of a book. I won’t be able to fit every single nuance of this law within this blog post – but here is a high-level overview of how the law of attraction works.

how does the law of attraction work

Let’s say that you are sitting on your couch watching TV. On that screen comes a commercial for a brand of water. That image goes into your mind, and you have the desire to go get some water. A thought goes into your brain “go get some water” and that produces an action to stand up, walk to the sink, and get the water.

Welcome to the law of attraction.

When you make thoughts in your head, those thoughts turn into actions in the form of synchronicity – things happening in sync with the thought. That could be inspired action, inspired thoughts or ideas, or anything else that takes you on the way of acquiring what thought when into your head. In the water example, the thought was “get off the couch and go get the water”.

In my coffee example above, it was the inspired thought/action to go to that Starbucks at that time to get that free cup of coffee.

Here is another example, which is probably the biggest thing to date that I have manifested.

I read The Secret when I was 24 years old. Down on my luck, struggling to survive and getting by with literally only cents in my bank account, I came across an Oprah episode (thank you Honey) where people were raving about this book called – The Secret – and how it changed their life. To say I was intrigued was an understatement. So I went to my local Barnes and noble, and learned that the book was WAYYY too much for me to afford at the time – so I had to wait a few weeks till it was discounted before I got it. I read it. Then I read it again. And again and again. I started using it – manifesting all the things I wanted into my life: Money, better friendships, better grades, COFFEE!!

2 years later – I married that beautiful girl who was watching Oprah, and while my life was better, it still wasn’t where I needed to be to start a family. So, at 26 years old – out of college making a whopping 18,500 dollars a year – I threw out to the universe that I would like to make 100,000 dollars by the time I turn 30.

4 years later, 2 days before my 30th birthday, I closed a deal on my new found sales career that netted 56,000 in commissions, putting me over 100,000 for the year. I did not realize it until I got paid and got my commission statement that I did. I literally took a gasp of air in disbelief.

Between age 26 and 30 was the universe works. Showing me the way. Giving me opportunities like working for a new startup as an account manager, having a panic attack from a new job, asking to switch positions, CEO telling me I should try sales, dipping my toe in the water, then cannonballing off the deep end.

It works. It may be ugly, uncomfortable, gritty, and long. But you will get what you ask for. Every. Single. Time.

Just like the cup of water – if you get thirsty and that thought goes into your mind – you will get a cup of water.

So go ahead – dream that dream, think that though, then watch what happens!

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Your Health As A Vibration Tue, 23 Oct 2018 03:03:23 +0000 When I set out to create HigherVibesLife, I wanted to focus on helping people as you vibrate on a much higher frequency throughout their life, to attract more success and fulfillment into their life. Creating your highest vibrations in your life means you are performing in all areas of your with the utmost bliss and [...]

The post Your Health As A Vibration appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

When I set out to create HigherVibesLife, I wanted to focus on helping people as you vibrate on a much higher frequency throughout their life, to attract more success and fulfillment into their life. Creating your highest vibrations in your life means you are performing in all areas of your with the utmost bliss and happiness. And your health is no exception here.

Far too often, people overlook the simple things. Like health. Your health is effecting your vibrations. Your health IS vibration. And your health is an important one.

We are a sick society. More sick than we actually realize. From grossly processed foods to sedentary lifestyles, to lack of relationships, to information overload, to toxic vibrations, the world is a growing cesspool of things that are making us fat, unhealthy, and sick. And none of these work on raising your vibrations.

How do you really truly expect yourself to vibrate at the highest frequency when you have so much sickness holding your down?

Which is crazy, because health is really the main staple for a successful life. If you don’t have your health, what else do you really have? Are you really going to tell me that you are happy being fat, feeling like shit because you put shit into your body, not moving or getting sunshine, sitting on your sofa watching football all day?

If that is your definition of happiness, you are on the wrong site, my friend.

For the regular sane people of the world, high vibrations come from being able to chase your kids/grandkids. Or walking a round of golf. Or going for a hike. Or maybe just making up the flight of stairs without wheezing. Happiness comes from making a decent living, which takes hustle, hard work, and mental fortitude if you want to be any sort of successful. Happiness comes from being content in your life, knowing you have done everything you can in everything you can. If you don’t have health, you don’t have any of this.

And I am not talking about losing weight – although that is a big part of it. Like everything else in life, you need to look at the big picture. So many people put such an emphasis on weight, that it sets up this false sense to healthiness when more needs to be done.

Yes – if you are overweight, losing weight helps. And that comes from moving and eating right.

There are more – but before we dive into those, let’s exploit the moving and eating right for a bit.

Obesity rates continue to climb. And yet, study and study after study after study continues to show that the way to get healthy, is through diet and exercise. Sure, you can pick one and have decent results. But a good clean diet, and a little bit of movement goes a long way together.

Maybe that is what we are missing – a basic definition. When people hear “diet” and “exercise” maybe they think they need to go on a heavy calorie-restricted diet and run 5 miles a day.

And sure – that may be a good version. But start simple. Start basic. Start reading the labels of some of the shit that you put in your body. Great chance if you cannot pronounce it, you shouldn’t eat it. I heard one time “if your grandma wouldn’t cook with it – it shouldn’t go in your body”. My family recently made a very simple switch for dinner; we traded out Rice-A-Roni for something else. Some nights it is potatoes. Some nights it is a veggie. Some nights it is beans. But we simply removed that one item. And it makes a big difference! I would have to bet, if most of you wrote down a food journal with calories, sodium content, and carb content – that alone – not including the ingredients – would be enough to shock you.

And exercise doesn’t mean running 5 miles or putting 90 minutes in at the gym with the sweaty muscle heads. It means moving. More than you are now. More than you did yesterday, for at least 30 minutes. Be truthful right now – are you spending 30 minutes every day doing something where your breathing is starting to get labored and you just start working on a good sweat – or something more? I doubt it. Most people get winded from walking from the car to the office, let alone trying to get 30 minutes in. But that is all you need. WALK for 30 minutes, 5x a week for starters. See how that feels.

Couple that with removing some of the shit food you eat, and voila, you are on the way to starting to get healthy.

But most won’t do that. And that is the problem. That right there – what I just wrote – is the starter package. The bare minimum. The bar is set low. That is the 101 course.

Then you have all the vitamins that you aren’t getting – even though you are eating better – than affects everything from mood, to the way you poop, to the electrical impulses in your heart. And you have the lack of vitamin D production because we are recluses that sit alone in our car, to drive to work so we can sit alone in our cubicle, to sit alone in our car, to have dinner with our family, so we can be alone on our iPhones, so we can be alone while we watch TV – on our iPhones.

Then you have the iPhone. That dopamine stealing, resentment driving, FOMO machine that causes all of our hormones to get out of whack because we have no idea what it is like to have a real conversation with someone because we have it through various sites and apps and ringtones and snaps and instas and whatever else is out there right now.

Then you have your fucked up sleep patterns because you spend so much time on that iPhone, your body doesn’t really know if it is night or day, because of the bombardment of all the light we get at night (do you really need that light night episode of the Kardashians?).

Then you have social relationships or lack thereof. And not just the friends you think you have on Facebook, but can’t seem to find time to get together with them in real life. But within your own family! You can’t go to dinner – fucking 60 minutes out! – without the entire god damn table on a tablet or phone. Zero conversation. Then you come home, put the kids to bed, and lay in your bed with your nose to phone, wondering why your sex life has got to shit, and your relationship is on the rocks.

Then you have the lack of sunshine. Ah – the glorious sunshine – the tool that heats the world, grows plants and nourishes our body. The sun is a powerful healer, both inside and out, yet we bog down our systems by staying inside and using SPF 295 on our skin to completely avoid any sort of sun that comes down, which effects the production of multiple aspects of vitamins, minerals, and hormones. And of course, your hormones get fucked up, your sleep/sex/physicality/mood/who you are gets messed up too. We get more depression and anxiety because we don’t get the calming effect of the sun, and the only light our body gets is the false light from your cell phone.

Then you have…

I could go on and on and on and on regarding the state we are in. And look – I am not perfect. I am really not. I have my faults. We all do. But I at least see the problem for what it is, make a conscious effort to make changes, and get the things my body/life needs to ensure it can run in tip-top shape. That is what the journey to health is all about.

But this isn’t about me. It is about YOU. And your health. And your life. And your relationships. And your finances. And what you need to do to bring yourself to realize that you can – and should – be doing more in your life to get where you need to go. In ALL aspects of your life. But your health – that should be #1.

So what should you do? Start. Right now. Start by making a change.

Here are 10 changes you can make right now to start down a path to better health:

  1. Start to read food labels. No need to really take action, just get in a habit of reading them. Look at the calories per servings and how many servings are in a package. Look at the sugars, sodium and carb content, and the percent of your daily intake it will use up. Take a glance at the ingredients. Use an app like MyFitnessPal to scan barcodes and get a glimpse into their app of what you consume every day. Again – no real action here. Once you start reading labels, you will get a feel of what is good – and what you should not be putting in your body.
  2. Keep A Health Journal. A health journal is where you write anything and everything regarding your health. What you are eating, how you are feeling after you eat that, what you are drinking, what you noticed on food labels, what you are doing for exercise, how you are sleeping, thoughts, and opinions otherwise not stated above. It is a gut check to see where you are at, how you are feeling and tracking progress. Sure – apps are great – but we want to put the phone down as much as we can – so I recommend using an actual journal with an actual pen and actually writing it down.
  3. Get moving. 30 minutes minimum a day. This is simply about the fact that we humans were not meant to be so sedentary. Our bodies were not met to stay stagnant. We were meant to move. Go for a 30 minutes walk, but don’t just walk. Move your arms. Do arm circles. Do some bodyweight squats. Get that blood moving through your body to nourish everything inside that it needs.
  4. Get outside. The sun is probably the most powerful healer that we have at our disposal. But we have become so afraid of it, we avoid it like the plague. We slap on heavy SPF sunscreen, we were long sleeves and hats, we think that if any little bit of sun gets on our skin, instant cancer. While we do need protection on heavy UV days, and when exposed for a longer duration, 20 minutes of direct sunlight on your skin every day will do your body wonders. Preferably around noon (for circadian rhythm). And preferably barefoot on some grass (for earthing). Those aren’t needed, but beneficial. Just get some sun, 20 minutes a day (use sunscreen for longer bouts), and watch things start to change in your life.
  5. Go to the doctor. Most people I know have some sort of insurance where they can get access to a primary care physician, yet most don’t. I know I was guilty of this for a long time, but recently changed it – and it makes a big difference. A doctor goes to school for a very long time, spends a large sum of money, and dedicates a large chunk of their life to become an expert on the body. They can see things that we can’t. It is important to build a relationship with an MD, that you can trust, see regularly, and they can find issues before they get to a point where they start affecting your journey to health.
  6. Sleep. Sure – you are trying to do this now, but how successful are you? Our bodies need to recover, at least for 7 hours. And sure – maybe you are in bed by 11 and up by 6. But are you sleeping that entire time? Or do you toss and turn to sleep, wake up to pee, wake up before your alarm? The environment you sleep in is a big piece of this. Make it dark. Hide all the ambient light from computers, power cords, cable boxes, whatever else is in your room with electrical tape. Wind down, avoid screens an hour before bed. Read a book, meditate to take your mind of the day. Wind down, relax, sleep 7 full hours.
  7. Drink more water. Like – all the time. Our bodies are mostly water – and we need to replenish. Always carry a water bottle, and always keep it full. Drink water when out to dinner instead of soda – soda is a diuretic (removes water) so that is a double whammy. Wake up in the morning and drink a big glass. Drink during your commute. Look at other areas where you can bring in more water and get to drinking!
  8. Relax. I wanted to put meditate, but realize that most people think meditation is for hippies. I personally use meditation and love it – a real game changer for me and recommend everyone trying it through an app like Headspace or Calm. But I do realize that it isn’t for everyone. But relaxing, with nothing on your mind, being with yourself, for 20 minutes a day, will reset your stress levels, and bring down the flight or fight response that is constantly in our lives. Sit on a park bench for 20 minutes, getting your sunshine, without your phone, and just be with yourself. See how that feels for 20 minutes every day.
  9. Watch your sitting habits. We sit WAYYY too much in our lives. We sit down commuting, working, at the dinner table, on the couch to watch TV. If we were to monitor the hours that we sit a day, we would be appalled. I know we can’t drive standing up, and standing up eating is a pain, but stand up when you think about it. Set a timer for 30 minutes a day, and just to stand up, stretch your arms, and sit back down. It really makes a difference in our bodies if we can lengthen every once in a while.
  10. Put down your phone. The biggy bringing up the rear! Putting down our phones affects so much of our life. You will sleep better, staying off of it late at night. You will build better relationships with friends and family, not being nose down in it during dinner. You won’t active the flight-or-fight response with your emotions spike over something you see on Facebook. You won’t get those resentment feelings or fear-of-missing-out on Instagram watching someone else live a fake like, thinking your life isn’t fake enough. The benefits are endless if we spend less time on the phone. And don’t ever let me catch you checking your phone while you are driving.

If live a well-balanced life, there are so many aspects that need to be taken into consideration. Your vibrations run in multiple dimensions. Make sure your health is one you don’t forget about.

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That Doesn’t Work For Me Tue, 02 Oct 2018 14:32:48 +0000 There are 3 types of people that come out of the forest when I start talking the law of attraction, energy vibrations, and manifest. Those who believe it and practice it to some degree Those who do NOT believe it Those who tried it, and decided it doesn’t work for me. Now – number 1 [...]

The post That Doesn’t Work For Me appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

There are 3 types of people that come out of the forest when I start talking the law of attraction, energy vibrations, and manifest.

  1. Those who believe it and practice it to some degree
  2. Those who do NOT believe it
  3. Those who tried it, and decided it doesn’t work for me.

Now – number 1 is obviously my favorite. Those who know there is a higher power working for us, and all we need to do is tap into it and our lives become as magical as we can dream.

Number 2 there is much to do. Believing in the law of attraction is a belief system, where it is engrained to your core. Sadly – not believing is a belief system as well. It makes it hard for people to switch unless they have compelling proof to do it.

Number 3 is a fun group – people who have tried and said that this doesn’t work for them. They asked for a million dollars and are still broke. They asked for the new car, and still are driving the beater. They asked for the vacation, but still can’t afford to go to Starbucks.

This group is fun because you can evoke the most change into them. They believe, to some extent, that this works. Yet they claim they have tried it, and it didn’t work for me, so they stopped.

My arguments back to them usually are the following:

  • You stopped doing it because it didn’t work the first time. Did you stop riding a bike after the first time you fell? Did you stop reading after the first time you couldn’t understand a word? Did you stop playing baseball the first time you struck out? Probably not – so why is this any different? With anything in the world – you have to practice – be in a continued state of practice. If you believe it works – and I know you do to some point because you tried it – why wouldn’t you keep trying? If you believe that there is a force and a universal law that says whatever you desire, so shall you have, wouldn’t you spend night and day trying to master it?
  • You didn’t get what you asked for from the universe, or you didn’t get it yet? You are not in control of the timing or HOW the thing that you desire will manifest itself into your life. All our job is to ask – and wait for it to manifest. It could be for hours. Days. Weeks. Years. The question becomes how much desire do you have behind the item you are manifesting, and how long are you willing to wait? If you know – with a true conviction – that this is true. You WILL get that million dollars. You WILL get that new car. You WILL get that vacation – if all you can do is plant that seed, have the faith that it is already coming to you, and watch it manifest into your life. If you asked for a million dollars, and didn’t see it the next morning and thought “what a bunch of hocus pocus”, you were never in the mindset to attract 1,000,000 and therefore, it would have never got to you anyways. Change that thinking to an unwavering belief that whatever you so desire shall show up in your life – on its own time and in its own way – and watch the magic happen.
  • You tried it and it didn’t work – or YOU didn’t work. Thanks most impart to The Secret, some think that law of attraction / manifesting anything is as simple as putting something in your mind – and watching it appear in your life. The Secret actually uses the example of someone sitting in a chair, dreaming, and imagining that he is driving a brand new car – and one appears in his driveway. While that could work (again – not our duty to figure when or how), most of the time it takes work to get what you need to do. But the universe again will show you the right way to work. You will get inspired in specific ways. You will understand something that you didn’t understand before. You will take inspired action after noticing the little synchronicities that will show up in your life. And you have to take the action on them. You will miss the opportunity if you are not looking for the opportunity. Asking for a million dollars? Be prepared to work for a million dollars.
  • You stopped because you asked for money coming from a place of lack. That is the easiest way to halt the mindset of attraction. If you have a bill due, or you don’t have enough money, and you say “Universe – I need money – tomorrow” that is a coming from a place of lack – noticing the debt you have to pay off – and changes are you will get more of that debt and that lack mindset. Remember – it is not our place to understand where the money is coming from, or when, or how. It is our place to put ourselves in a state of abundance, and create more abundance in our life.

No matter where you are on the scale of belief in the Law of Attraction – I hope this post helped you out a bit to see that there is always a way to get exactly what you want in your life – just ask – and you shall receive.

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How Do I Manifest? Tue, 21 Aug 2018 03:51:01 +0000 Here is the conversation that goes on with people on a regular basis when people want to know how do I manifest: OK Zach – Does manifesting work? YES OK Zach – How does manifesting work? You produce the result that is in your mind. OK Zach – How do I manifest? You put the [...]

The post How Do I Manifest? appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

Here is the conversation that goes on with people on a regular basis when people want to know how do I manifest:

OK Zach – Does manifesting work?


OK Zach – How does manifesting work?

You produce the result that is in your mind.

OK Zach – How do I manifest?

You put the result in your mind.

It is that simple – it really is. But people don’t believe it – so they doubt it – and they wonder why this whose belief system doesn’t work. It only works if you do!

But I still get asked time and time again, how do I do it? How do I manifest?

Here are some real-world examples over the past month that I have done personally:

  1. Mothers Day Padre Game. My family decided to go to a baseball game for mothers. Our local MLB team had a Sunday afternoon game, so we all committed to going. Family of 4, plus some drinks, hot dogs, etc, I knew this day would cost me about $150, even with cheap seats. Sure – we have the money to just pay and go – but where is the fun in that. It was time to manifest it. So I put the thought in my mind, that this padre game is taken care of, committed to go, and told the universe to make it happen. I have had some stuff online I am selling for a few months, with no biters. And wouldn’t you know it – the week before the game, I sold golf clubs and a garden blower, netting a total of $170. Baseball game here we come!!
  2. Big Bear Weekend Getaway. My family wanted to go to Big Bear (local mountain) over the upcoming 3 day weekend. We decided to make it a 4 day weekend, and take Friday off to head up there. We looked up cabins, and since my inlaws are also going, we would need a 4 bedroom cabin to fit everyone. We found one, and the total bill was right under $1000. Sure, we could put it on the credit card – but where is the fun in that? So again, I put it out to the universe, but the thoughts of acquiring the trip to big bear, and let the universe do its thing. And wouldn’t you know it – bonus at work of $1400 means the trip is paid for, plus some cash for the weekend.
  3. Best Dad Award. I have been fighting a little fatigue lately, not sure why. Around 2p, I’d just lose it. Cant’ stay awake, can’t focus, makes it hard to be a good dad and husband. And at the end of the day, that is the only thing I want to be. So I decided to let the universe help me, and for a few days, I meditated on what I want to be, bringing that thought to the fully conscious mind. I saw myself, full of energy morning noon and night. Coming home from work, and playing with the kids. Having the energy to cook dinner, put kids to bed, and do the dishes, so my wife didn’t have to. The kind of dad and husband that most people can’t. I saw myself, felt those emotions. This past week, after I finished doing the dishes, my wife told me that I should win the best dad award for everything I was doing. Not in it for the award, but made me think about what I wanted to be, and wouldn’t you know it – I was being everything I meditated on and didn’t even know it.

This are just 3 examples in the recent past for me. You can have these too! Here are the steps to manifest anything you want.

how do i manifestHOW DO I MANIFEST:

  1. Know what you want. Simple first step – but if you don’t desire anything to manifest, what – really then – will you manifest?
  2. Put yourself in a state to feel the emotion of that item – as if it was already present in your life. This part is tricky but is key. This raises your vibrations on the item that you want.
  3. Surrender. Once you put your mind on something and get yourself into a state of the emotion of the item, surrender to the universe. Know it will take care of you and whatever you desire is coming your way.
  4. Repeat starting in step 1 as often as possible in your life.

This process works – EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Without fail. It’s truly amazing – and I want you to experience it! Try it today.

Now – word to the wise – this list above, while 100% correct process, is fairly simple. There are so many other aspects that go into manifesting something, but at its core – this is how you do it.

Follow these steps, continue to learn how the universe works, and be amazed at how your life changes.

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A Square Peg In A Round Hole Thu, 26 Apr 2018 21:22:40 +0000 There is an analogy about trying to put a square peg in a round hole. The only way it is going to fit, is if you force it. And if you force it, it probably will get bend, mis-aligned, or even broke. And even if you are able to force it, it isn’t going to [...]

The post A Square Peg In A Round Hole appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

There is an analogy about trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

The only way it is going to fit, is if you force it.

And if you force it, it probably will get bend, mis-aligned, or even broke.

And even if you are able to force it, it isn’t going to work like it should, because it doesn’t fit properly.

Welcome to how the universe works.

Often in life, we try to force what we want into our lives. And sometimes – the universe kind of goes along with it, and gives us what we need, but not in the capacity we think it is suppose to be at.

But most of the time, we try to force our square peg of what we want into the circle of life and get frustrated to no end when it doesn’t work. When we still don’t have the money, when we didn’t get the job, when our relationship is still shit. Most of the time, this creates negativity in our life, which leads to the notification to the universe that we want more negativity, and when it rains it pours, so more negativity is exactly what you will get.

Let Go, and Let Love

The universe has a divine plan for you. There is something cooking for you, toward the goals you are seeking, stronger than any other power there is. But it can’t be forced. The universe will let it happen, you just have to let it happen.

What you are seeking, is seeking you. Rumi

What you desire, what you are seeking, what you want out of life is out there, and it is coming for you. Today? Maybe – maybe not. Next week? Maybe – maybe not. Next year? Maybe – maybe not. But it is coming.

The universe has it’s time and place. In order to achieve all that you desire, you need to let go of any resistance of force, and just let the universe do it’s thing in your life and all will be manifested.

Now – here is the big caveat in here: You can’t just sit in your chair at your house and have everything manifest itself without doing the work.

The work is what gets you there. The work gets results. The work helps the universe align the world to provide the things needed to provide. The work allows for the inspired inspiration – those moments that you never thought about, divine inspiration moving you toward where you need to go. That is what the work does.

But you can’t force the work. Be open to possibilities, keep going down the path you are going, and trust the universe to open doors. If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t the universe. Don’t be closed off, be open and honest about the opportunities that present themselves in your life.

It is a tough game – as there maybe something that feels like the universe is pointing you in that direction, but actually is you trying to force it. If it feels forced, it isn’t the divine. It is you and your ego trying to get what you want. Take a step back, take a deep breathe, open your heart and check your gut. It will tell you – you will know.

This is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp when talking about manifesting. But it is the truth – you have to know what you want, go get what you want, but let the universe direct you in the right way – don’t force what you want.

You will get there. It is a practice. It is a journey. It is life. And it is beautiful.

I am always here to help – drop me a line at Zach(at) and I can do what I can do guide you in the right direction.

The post A Square Peg In A Round Hole appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

Universal Law: Law of Compensation Thu, 08 Mar 2018 03:30:10 +0000 The law of compensation is what everyone is after; what will I get? How much will I get? How fast can I get it? Although The law of compensation does cover these questions, focusing on only this aspect will leave you very short in the compensation department. What is the Law of Compensation? The law [...]

The post Universal Law: Law of Compensation appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.

The law of compensation is what everyone is after; what will I get? How much will I get? How fast can I get it? Although The law of compensation does cover these questions, focusing on only this aspect will leave you very short in the compensation department.

What is the Law of Compensation?

law of compensationThe law of compensation basically states that you will be compensated for your actions. Similar to the law of cause and effect, what you do, affects what you get. What you sow, so shall you reap.

But this isn’t about money. That is where most people get the wrong idea about this law. Sure – compensation will come in the form of money sometimes, but this is EVERYTHING in your life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said in his essay title “compensation”, each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. More precisely, he says

The whole of what we know, is a system of compensations. Ever defect in one manner is made up in another. Every suffering is rewarded; every sacrifice is made up. Every debt is paid.

He wrote this in 1852! A great essay if you ever look to see how far the power of the universal laws goes.

Why the Law of Compensation is important?

The law of compensation is important because you get in return, what you give.

Efforts. Contributions. Love. Joy. Hate. Resentment. Whatever you give, you get. You will get compensated for something – whether positive or negative is up to you.

Money doesn’t matter here – in fact, money is probably the worst thing to try to get compensated on. Although it does work, this law of compensation is more along the lines of feelings, thoughts, ideas, etc.

Spread more love, and more love will be returned to you.

Spread more happiness, and happiness will be returned to you.

Spread more hate, and more hate will be returned to you.

Spread more resentment in your marriage, and more resentment in your marriage will be returned to you.

Spread more wealth, and more wealth will be returned to you.

That is what the law of compensation is all about. Like the law of cause and effect and the law of attraction (most every law of the universe in fact), whatever you sow, so shall you reap.

This is important because if you are getting compensated for something in your life, it is what you are throwing out. Every single time.

Every. Single. Time.

Think your boss is giving you a hard time at work? I’d bet you are giving others a hard time.

Think your wife resents your marriage? I’d bet you resent her as well.

Think that money is hard to come by and you need to hold onto it? I’d bet you never get money.

Think that your job is wonderful and fulfilling? Think that your marriage is one of the best strongholds you have? Think that money is abundant and ever-flowing? Guess what you will get?

law of compensation

How to use the Law of Compensation

To use the law of compensation to your advantage, you have to do mostly what you do with other universal laws – watch your thoughts.

  1. Think about what you are currently being compensated for. Look at all aspects of your life. What are you getting?
  2. Think about what you are contributing to. Part of the law is you get compensated for what you contribute. Look at the effort, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and other items you are putting out there.
  3. GIVE. Without thinking of being compensated. And again – this isn’t about money. Give more love, hope, kindness, thoughtfulness, happiness, all the good feelings and vibrations – give without anything being returned. Watch it be returned.

There you have it. The law of compensation – one of the 12 universal laws. Use it – and watch your life soar!

The post Universal Law: Law of Compensation appeared first on Higher Vibes Life.
