How To Attract Abundance From The Universe

There is a good chance if you are on this site, you aren’t a total newbie about the law of attraction, or the secret, or manifesting, or anything else in the LOA world. But I’d bet that you are looking for ways to increase your vibrations to better (and more quickly) attract everything that you want. And how to attract abundance from the universe is one of the topics that are mostly over-discussed on the LOA blog world. Everyone has their own thought on how to attract abundance from the universe, but from my perspective, there are only a few things you need to do to be successful. Here is how:

How To Attract Abundance From The Universe

how to attract abundance from the universeAbundance is one of the hardest feelings to attract from the universe, especially when you are used to LACK in your life – like so many are. One of the main ideas being attracting anything is to get into the feeling already. But if you are always in a feeling of lack, it is very hard to feel abundance. If you don’t feel abundance – you won’t have it. If you feel like it – you will get more of it.

You get what you feel. Most people want to say you get what you think about – but it really is you get what you feel. You get what you put emotion behind. You get the state that you are in.

So if you are always feeling like there is never enough – guess what you will have? Never enough.

And if you took a good look at your words & thoughts, you would see why your FEELINGS are the way they are.

Steve Harvey says it best: You have not, cause you ask not.

You are getting exactly what you put into your life. You feel like you are just getting by, so you do. You feel like you just have enough at the end of the month, so you do. You feel like if you can only get your car to last another year, so it does.

You are getting exactly what you are feeling.

So step 1 in how to attract abundance from the universe, is to watch how you are feeling.

Watch Your Feelings

Gabby Bernstein gives a great explanation of attracting abundance: It’s an inside job.  You have to watch your feelings, your thoughts, and your words that are going on in your life. This is hard to do at first – especially when you don’t know what the feeling of abundance feels like. And unfortunately, my abundance is different than your abundance, so I can’t really help you figure out how it feels for you – but you will know it when you feel.

My abundance feels like perfection. I have everything in the world that I could need – and at this moment, everything is perfect. Yours will look different – and that is just fine. You have to understand what abundance means to you – no one else. You can’t try to find abundance for other people – you will never find it. Which why step 2 is to find your abundance.

So step 1: Watch your feelings. Notice when you start feeling the lack and try moving yourself to abundance.

Step 2: Find your abundance. What is that for you? Is it money? Is it love? Is it peace of mind? Is it a house? Is it a new car? Is it a loving relationship? Is it a growing family?

Keep in mind – you are allowed to change what abundance means to you. Just because it is a house today, doesn’t mean it can’t be a loving relationship tomorrow. Attracting is an end-all/be-all. It is a way of thinking, a journey – and one of the most beautiful journeys you will ever be on.

As a kid, my dad used to tell us that he was the richest man in the world because he had his family. And it wasn’t until I was older that I realized if you count money – we were very poor. But if you count a loving family, we were so damn abundant.

Once you do some work on what your abundance is, it’s time for step 3 which is to get into and stay in that feeling as often and as long as you can.

How To Attract Abundance From The Universe

Step 1: Watch your feelings. Start to notice when you start feeling lack and move yourself to abundance.

Step 2: Find your abundance: For you. No one else. Figure out what feelings you want to cultivate and what that is. For you. Not your spouse. Not your boss. Not your kids. YOU. What is your abundance.

Step 3: Get into that feeling of abundance as often as you can remember, and as long as you.

Is your abundance money? Walkthrough the most expensive stores, try on the expensive clothes – don’t think about price or lack – think about the FEELINGS of what that feels like.

Is your abundance love? walk down the street with an open heart full of such love you truly see every human as a being on the same journey as you.

New house? New Car? Go test drive THE EXACT car. Go walk through the EXACT HOUSE. See how it feels.

Then spend as much time as you can cultivating that feeling. Doing when you walk, when you daydream, when you meditate, when you commute to work – do whatever you have to do to get into that feeling.

Soon – that feeling will become second nature to you. ANd you will know NOTHING BUT the feeling of YOUR abundance. And at that point – congratulations. You have an abundance. You may not have it physically yet – but it is coming your way. You are there. Now just relax your shoulders, smile, and wait for your abundance to manifest.