How Do I Manifest?

Here is the conversation that goes on with people on a regular basis when people want to know how do I manifest:

OK Zach – Does manifesting work?


OK Zach – How does manifesting work?

You produce the result that is in your mind.

OK Zach – How do I manifest?

You put the result in your mind.

It is that simple – it really is. But people don’t believe it – so they doubt it – and they wonder why this whose belief system doesn’t work. It only works if you do!

But I still get asked time and time again, how do I do it? How do I manifest?

Here are some real-world examples over the past month that I have done personally:

  1. Mothers Day Padre Game. My family decided to go to a baseball game for mothers. Our local MLB team had a Sunday afternoon game, so we all committed to going. Family of 4, plus some drinks, hot dogs, etc, I knew this day would cost me about $150, even with cheap seats. Sure – we have the money to just pay and go – but where is the fun in that. It was time to manifest it. So I put the thought in my mind, that this padre game is taken care of, committed to go, and told the universe to make it happen. I have had some stuff online I am selling for a few months, with no biters. And wouldn’t you know it – the week before the game, I sold golf clubs and a garden blower, netting a total of $170. Baseball game here we come!!
  2. Big Bear Weekend Getaway. My family wanted to go to Big Bear (local mountain) over the upcoming 3 day weekend. We decided to make it a 4 day weekend, and take Friday off to head up there. We looked up cabins, and since my inlaws are also going, we would need a 4 bedroom cabin to fit everyone. We found one, and the total bill was right under $1000. Sure, we could put it on the credit card – but where is the fun in that? So again, I put it out to the universe, but the thoughts of acquiring the trip to big bear, and let the universe do its thing. And wouldn’t you know it – bonus at work of $1400 means the trip is paid for, plus some cash for the weekend.
  3. Best Dad Award. I have been fighting a little fatigue lately, not sure why. Around 2p, I’d just lose it. Cant’ stay awake, can’t focus, makes it hard to be a good dad and husband. And at the end of the day, that is the only thing I want to be. So I decided to let the universe help me, and for a few days, I meditated on what I want to be, bringing that thought to the fully conscious mind. I saw myself, full of energy morning noon and night. Coming home from work, and playing with the kids. Having the energy to cook dinner, put kids to bed, and do the dishes, so my wife didn’t have to. The kind of dad and husband that most people can’t. I saw myself, felt those emotions. This past week, after I finished doing the dishes, my wife told me that I should win the best dad award for everything I was doing. Not in it for the award, but made me think about what I wanted to be, and wouldn’t you know it – I was being everything I meditated on and didn’t even know it.

This are just 3 examples in the recent past for me. You can have these too! Here are the steps to manifest anything you want.

how do i manifestHOW DO I MANIFEST:

  1. Know what you want. Simple first step – but if you don’t desire anything to manifest, what – really then – will you manifest?
  2. Put yourself in a state to feel the emotion of that item – as if it was already present in your life. This part is tricky but is key. This raises your vibrations on the item that you want.
  3. Surrender. Once you put your mind on something and get yourself into a state of the emotion of the item, surrender to the universe. Know it will take care of you and whatever you desire is coming your way.
  4. Repeat starting in step 1 as often as possible in your life.

This process works – EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Without fail. It’s truly amazing – and I want you to experience it! Try it today.

Now – word to the wise – this list above, while 100% correct process, is fairly simple. There are so many other aspects that go into manifesting something, but at its core – this is how you do it.

Follow these steps, continue to learn how the universe works, and be amazed at how your life changes.