Your Thoughts Make Your World

Your thoughts make your world.

The world is a perception of the thoughts that you think.

Your thoughts were formed over years and years and years of thinking, and forming thoughts, and sometimes, having thoughts formed for you.

This is a very tough concept for some people to swallow. And some just don’t believe it. But I challenge you try it. Watch your thoughts – and watch how your day / mood unfolds. There is a correlation.

And here is why…

Your mind can only handle one thought at a time. We can change thoughts extremely fast (faster than we can comprehend), but we can only have a single thought at any given moment.

If your thoughts are positive, and happy, and fruitful, and prosperous, and abundant, what do you think you will see around you? Because that is your thought, you will see only those items.

The same is true for negative, unhappy, depressed, and thoughts of lack. With those thoughts – that is the world you form around you.

These feelings also effect your vibrations. People feel your mood – your vibrations. If you are depressed, or brash, or mean, or otherwise strung out – people feel that energy coming off of you and more than likely avoid you. Do you know who doesn’t avoid you? The universe. Bringing to you want you are putting off.

You make the world around you. You see it – you feel it – you experience it. You are in it – deciding each and every moment how to live, what to see, how to experience it. It is up to you to see the joy and beauty that is around us.