A Square Peg In A Round Hole

There is an analogy about trying to put a square peg in a round hole.

The only way it is going to fit, is if you force it.

And if you force it, it probably will get bend, mis-aligned, or even broke.

And even if you are able to force it, it isn’t going to work like it should, because it doesn’t fit properly.

Welcome to how the universe works.

Often in life, we try to force what we want into our lives. And sometimes – the universe kind of goes along with it, and gives us what we need, but not in the capacity we think it is suppose to be at.

But most of the time, we try to force our square peg of what we want into the circle of life and get frustrated to no end when it doesn’t work. When we still don’t have the money, when we didn’t get the job, when our relationship is still shit. Most of the time, this creates negativity in our life, which leads to the notification to the universe that we want more negativity, and when it rains it pours, so more negativity is exactly what you will get.

Let Go, and Let Love

The universe has a divine plan for you. There is something cooking for you, toward the goals you are seeking, stronger than any other power there is. But it can’t be forced. The universe will let it happen, you just have to let it happen.

What you are seeking, is seeking you. Rumi

What you desire, what you are seeking, what you want out of life is out there, and it is coming for you. Today? Maybe – maybe not. Next week? Maybe – maybe not. Next year? Maybe – maybe not. But it is coming.

The universe has it’s time and place. In order to achieve all that you desire, you need to let go of any resistance of force, and just let the universe do it’s thing in your life and all will be manifested.

Now – here is the big caveat in here: You can’t just sit in your chair at your house and have everything manifest itself without doing the work.

The work is what gets you there. The work gets results. The work helps the universe align the world to provide the things needed to provide. The work allows for the inspired inspiration – those moments that you never thought about, divine inspiration moving you toward where you need to go. That is what the work does.

But you can’t force the work. Be open to possibilities, keep going down the path you are going, and trust the universe to open doors. If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t the universe. Don’t be closed off, be open and honest about the opportunities that present themselves in your life.

It is a tough game – as there maybe something that feels like the universe is pointing you in that direction, but actually is you trying to force it. If it feels forced, it isn’t the divine. It is you and your ego trying to get what you want. Take a step back, take a deep breathe, open your heart and check your gut. It will tell you – you will know.

This is one of the most difficult concepts to grasp when talking about manifesting. But it is the truth – you have to know what you want, go get what you want, but let the universe direct you in the right way – don’t force what you want.

You will get there. It is a practice. It is a journey. It is life. And it is beautiful.

I am always here to help – drop me a line at Zach(at)highervibeslife.com and I can do what I can do guide you in the right direction.