The Basic 12 Laws Of The Universe

12 laws of the universeHigher Vibes Life is about raising your vibrations to create a life of your dreams. I get the name from one of the 12 laws of the universe, law – the law of vibration. It basically states that everything is a vibration, and if you can vibrate at your highest level, there is nothing that you can’t have.

This is one law from the 12 laws of the universe. These 12 laws are basically controlling your world. Once you know them, and understand them, and use them, life because easy, fulfilled, and ever-growing.

If you check out 10 sites on these laws, almost all of them will list the same laws, but all would have a slightly different rendition to the definition. Take it for what you will – find one that works for you, and embed it into your life.

Here are the 12 laws of the universe – click on each one for a more in-depth review of them:

  1. Law of Divine Oneness: Everything is connected, and everyone is connected to everyone. Everything we do affects other people. We are connected by energy, vibrations. We, humans, are all the same, made in the same oneness as our creator. Understanding this means that you know you can achieve anything because you are everything.
  2. Law of Vibration: Everything in the world is an energy source, a vibration, in it’s purest form. Energy vibrates. Your energy vibrates. If you walk around with negative feels, you emit negative vibrations, and that energy matches negative energy and brings upon to you negativity. Higher vibrations, more positive energy, bring upon to you more positive aspects in life. More joy. More abundance. More happiness. More content in your life. Align your vibrations and energy with your feelings, emotions, visions, thoughts, desires, dreams, words, and all will come your way.
  3. Law of Action: Here is where people get The Secret and manifestation wrong. You simply cannot sit there, visualize, and have something magically appear. You must give your life attention and effort to manifest your intentions. The universe will provide ideas, thoughts, opportunities, abilities, and whatever else is needed, but you have to put in the work. The difference between who you are, and who you want to be is what you do.
  4. Law of Correspondence: This is something I knew and believed before I got on the other laws. You are who you are who you are. So is above, is below. As in heaven, as on earth. If you are grumpy, you are grumpy. Your car is grumpy, your wife is grumpy, your job is grumpy, and your life is grumpy. If you are happy, everything is happy. You won’t have money if you think you are poor. You won’t be healthy if you think you are sick. As in the inside, as is the outside. Your inner world reflects in your outer world, and your outer world reflects your inner world.
  5. Law of Cause and Effect: There are no accidents. Every action has a reaction. Every cause (thought, word, etc) has an effect. Each choice, we create the circumstance. Every action we take causes something. There is no such thing as luck. You are exactly where you are supposed to be – you reap what you sowed. The effects of your thoughts and caused your life. Change your thoughts – the cause – change the effect.
  6. Law of Compensation: You get what you give. Efforts. Contributions. Love. Joy. Hate. Resentment. Whatever you give, you get. You will get compensated for something – whether positive or negative is up to you. You reap what you sow. You sow love, so shall you reap. If you sow peace, so shall you reap. If you sow abundance so shall you reap.
  7. Law of Attraction: Ah, the law of attraction. LOA. The term that The Secret made mainstream, now marketers are all over it. But it is but one of the laws a piece of the puzzle. You attract what you are vibrating. Without fail. Whatever your energy is focused on, that is what you are bringing into your life. Whatever you vibration on, and believe if it possible, you will receive it. Positive energy will attract positive energy.
  8. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: Energy never goes away. It just changes form. So the energy you emit can actually change form to create the life that you want. And the strong the energy, the higher the vibrations, the more power your energy creates. Lower energy, lower vibrations, block this wonderful power.
  9. Law of Relativity: Everything in life is relative. There is no standard. Nothing is big. Nothing is small. The small things are small because we compare them to big. Happiness existing because we compare it to sadness. Light exists because we compare it to dark. It’s all relative. It is about perception. Remove labels and open your mind to the possibilities.
  10. Law of Polarity: There is opposition in all things. We appreciate light in the darkness, joy in the sorrow, and companionship in the solitude. For anything to exist, there has to be an opposite. Poverty, wealth. Disease, health. Sadness, happiness. Whatever is out there, there is an opposite you can obtain by concentrating on the opposite polarity.
  11. Law of Rhythm: I love this one. I had a great mentor of mine told me what time “Life comes in waves. Sometimes the wave is high, and you marvel in its beauty, only to be smashed by its power, only to enjoy the quietness as the next wave loads up”. That is life. Everything flows – in and out. Everything has rises and falls. The pendulum of life swings back and forth. Knowing this, you can stay strong through the storm, knowing the calm is on the other side.
  12. Law of Gender: Everything has a masculine and feminine. That is how the world works. Even us humans, whether male or female, have attributes of the masculine and the feminine, although one is more dominant. It is the balance of masculine and feminine that creates life. And in order to create life – or anything for that matter – there is a waiting period. When we plant a seed, it requires time and nurturing to grow. Children take 9 months. You even have to wait for a pie to be created in the oven. Your vibrations and attraction are no different. Nothing will manifest itself instantly. You must be patient, yet know it will arrive.