Universal Law: The Law of Attraction

Ah – the law of attraction. LOA. Manifestation. The term that The Secret made mainstream. Now marketers all over the world are reaping the benefits of the law of attraction. But little do people realize it is just a single law in the universal laws.

What Is The Law of Attraction

law of attractionThe law of attraction is fairly straight forward: Like attracts like. You attract what you are vibrating on. What you put out to the world, comes back to you. Similar to the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Compensation, yet a little different, the law of attraction can be summed up with: What you sow, so shall you reap.

Energy is all around. Energy is everything and everything is energy. This is science. You cannot dispute this. Whatever energy you are focusing on, the universe sends you more of that energy, because like attracts like. Same energy attracts same energy. Without fail.

The Secret does an amazing job on this law. Although they did miss just a few other ones, the way they explain the law of attraction is fairly spot on.

Now – keep in mind that you need to apply the work to get what you want – you can’t just visualize and have things appear at your front door like The Secret assumes. But the idea of you attract what you attract is so true.

This is true for every single aspect of your life. You can look over every nook and cranny of your life, and see what you are attracting by the energy you are putting out into the universe.

Why The Law of Attraction is Important

Let’s look at finances.

If you have worries about your debt, or you think you have lack of money, or all you see is the red when you do your budget, guess what you are going to attract more of into your life? More debt, more lack, more red.

Now, if you look at the same set of finances, and you feel abundance, you are grateful because you actually have money coming in, and you know you are on the path to a better future financially, this is just a stepping stone, what do you think? Abudance, more money, and more importantly, better feelings about money.

Now look – I know this is hard. I have been there. Knowing that you are suppose to be attracting abundance by putting abundance in your life. The only way you attract money is to feel good and positive about money. The only way to get ahead is know that you have enough and it will be enough and you always have enough and you are completely grateful for the enough.

But when you don’t have enough, the last thing you can do is try to look at abundance. When you are living paycheck to paycheck, when you don’t know how you are going to get by this week, when you aren’t sure if you have enough – feeling as if you have plenty so more can come to you is near impossible.

But that is the law of attraction. If you notice the lack – the lack comes in greater quantity.

How To Use the Law of Attraction

So how do you get around it? How to you put yourself in a place a place of abundance and prosperity when everything around you seems to crumble?

This is the single fact that I think turns people OFF on the law of attraction. They don’t get anything in abundance, because they are still focusing on the lack.

Here are 5 tips to switch your mindset on the law of attraction, and focus on abundance.

  1. Practice gratitude. The biggest way to start feeling abundance is appreciating what you already have. Yes, the bills and lack of money is tough to see through, but what do you do have that you can focus on. You have a bill coming in, meaning you have a mortgage, or car, or health, or a credit car, which is something nice, right? Be grateful for that bill, and grateful for that item. You cannot practice gratitude too much.
  2. Visualize. Practice visualizing the abundance. Not only see in your mind what you want, but feel it! Make it a game. Once a day, visualize that you have $1000 cash in your pocket. How does that make you feel? What will you buy, what debt do you pay off?
  3. Know this is a moment in time. Hard times don’t last. Sure – your hard time could be longer than you care to admit, but if you know that this moment that you are in is just that – a moment that is passing – you will be able to shift your thinking to better things coming toward you.
  4. Better things are coming to you. This is the key belief system that is needed to focus on abundance. Whenever you feel yourself in an emotion of lack or scarcity, take a deep breath, and tell yourself “Better things are coming my way”. Keep repeating that.
  5. Remove LACK thinking. Lack and scarcity are some of biggest inhibitors of the law of attraction. Start observing your thoughts, and whenever lack or scarcity come in, quick note them – what caused them and why are they there – then switch the thinking.