Appreciate Where You Are

It is very easy to get caught up in life – trying to keep up. In a instagram LIKE world, we often see others, and instantly feel bad about where we are at. If you want to live a life well lived, it is important to appreciate where you are at.

That doesn’t mean you have to stay where you are at, or even be satisfied where you are at – quite the opposite actually. You should want to push yourself forward, obtain all you can, and live the life that you know you were meant to live.

But you have you know where you have come from – you have to appreciate where you are at.

Appreciate Where You Are At

You have come through so much, whether you know it or not. Life has put you here, on this path you on in, on this course of life. You need to be grateful for that. You are exactly where you are suppose to be.

The gratefulness of this moment, of this life you are in, of all the things that are happening in your life right now, shows the universe that you are open for the future – that you know life is happening for you around you, not to you. You can relax your shoulders, open your heart, and enjoy this moment.

Because all you have – is this moment. This breathe, this heart beat, this life. You aren’t in the future – it hasn’t happened yet. You aren’t in the past, it is over. You have the now. You have right here. You have this moment. Be grateful for this moment. Be grateful where you are at.

So why is this important? Why is it important to be grateful and appreciate where you are at?

Because that is where you are.

It does NOT mean that is where you will stay. In fact – you are not supposed to! You need to grow, and move forward, and dream, and hustle, and keep pushing yourself to live the life that you know you are capable and powerful enough to live!

But being grateful here – now – shows the universe that you get it. You need to be here, before you can be there. If you just focus on the there, you forget about the here. The here gets you to there, so showing the universe that you appreciate here, allows more of the there to come in.

In other words, you cannot go where you want, without first passing through this moment. If you want to be excited and happy that you are working toward goals in your life – working toward your dreams and aspirations – you must understand that this moment is the path to get there, as well as all the other moments of your past. Everything you have been though – EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH – puts you on the path to where you want to go. You must be grateful and appreciate this moment now – where you are at – in order to continue to appreciate the journey to get where you want to go.