Welcome to HigherVibesLife.com

Higher Vibes Life is a site where we work on getting your vibrations higher, attracting whatever it is that you want, and allowing the universe to provide the best life possible for you.

Higher Vibes Life is about having a system to manifest. It is not some hokey, up in the clouds, wishful way of thinking your way to a better life. This is a process. This is a framework. This is a proven way to increase your happiness, positive outlook, and success in life. It works. I know it to be true because I have lived it – thanks to Oprah.

Oprah changed my life.


The year is 2007. I was 23 years old, working a dead-end job, going to school, living with my girlfriend, trying to make ends meet, which was nearly impossible. To say I was struggling was an understatement. I was stuck. I didn’t know how to move forward, but sure for hell knew I had to.

The worst part about it all – I didn’t know what to do. I felt like I had no future – no hope – no way out.

I came home from school and my girlfriend was on the couch watching Oprah. Like I always do, I went directly for the fridge to find a cold brewski to hopefully drown my pathetic little life into a blissful buzz of cheap poison.

And then something caught my attention. Someone on the TV said, “this really did change my life”. My ears perked up, so I sat on the couch with my wife. And person after person on Oprah told of this magical power that allowed people to get whatever they want in life. The job of their dreams, the relationship of their dreams, the financial success everyone wanted. Everyone’s life changed the better once they understand this power, this law. The book was The Secret, and the law was the Law of Attraction.

It struck something up inside of me, so I went to Barnes and Noble and found the book, but did not purchase it because I did not have enough money to buy it (that is how tough times I was in). It wasn’t until a few weeks later when the book was discounted did I pick it up, and still then I had fears of what spending $19.99 will do to our finances. But I am glad I did.

The Secret started me on a journey to discover the laws of the universe, including the law of attraction and the law of vibration. I went deep into this world, reading and studying every expert that was featured in The Secret, and every expert they mentioned in their own work. And to this day, I believe that my life is what it is because I have been able to learn, study, and use this concept on a daily basis. And I still use it on a daily basis.

And now – I want to help you learn it and use it as well.

But it goes beyond The Secret. It is deeper than just the Law of Attraction. It bridges different self-help topics, different religions, different belief systems – and it connects all of them. It is powerful. It is real. And it works.

But it isn’t easy. It isn’t a sit and thinks and get everything you want the type of thing. It is a framework – a system – to achieving everything you want – but there is work involved.

Some of the concepts in The Secret are pretty out there. And no – you can’t sit in your chair and just think about what you want and it will manifest into your life. There is more to it, but it is a great framework to think about what you want, find ways to make sure your life can vibrate high on the item that you want, and you will get it – 100% of the time, each and every time.

If you are interested in this, great. Subscribe, learn, and be successful. If you are skeptical about this or think it is hogwash, all I ask is to try it. You literally have nothing to lose. If it doesn’t work (which it will), you are not losing anything – you are simply where you have always been. And if it works? Think about where you could be. What do you really have to lose? What could you gain?

This site is all about helping you get your vibrational energy higher on the life that you want, to achieve the life that you want. Simple as that. Know what you want, get what you want. This is that easy.

So poke around, read out articles, subscribe to the site and podcast, watch our videos, ask us questions, and we will help you get your vibes high, and be all about that higher vibes life.