Universal Law: Law of Divine Oneness

We live in a connected world, there is no doubt about that. But we are more connected that you think. As we dive in to discuss the Law of Divine Oneness, we will show you that we are connected on a deeper level. The Law of Divine Oneness is usually the first law in the 12 universal laws. But they don’t come in any particular order, so to say “it’s the first” is a stretch. But it is a good basis for the foundation of all the other laws.

So first thing first:

What Is The Law of Divine Oneness?

law of divine oneness

The law of divine oneness basically means everything is connect, and everyone is connected to everyone. Everything we do effects other people. We are connected by energy, vibrations, higher power. How we move through the world, moves other people. We are all the same, made in the same oneness as our creator. There is a divine oneness flowing through all of us.

And I think that is pretty cool. A little fluffy? Ya – but let’s break it down to a way you can understand.

But before we do that, let’s set the record straight here: We are not talking about God.

Sure – that can be your divine oneness, but that isn’t the only one. This divine oneness can take on many names. Some people, like me, call it source, or universe. Wayne Dyer calls it Spirit. Still some call it energy. Others call Karma. Or Buddha. Whatever “it” is, it is out there, it is more powerful that you can ever imagine, and it connects us all.

And I get it – saying there is a spiritual energy flowing through us all can sound a little strange, especially if you are beginner or first time student. But let’s look at an example, and remove the spiritual energy.

You are born. From another human. 2 actually. 2 people connect, and made you. There is no other way to make life. And the 2 people that made you, 2 people had to make them. And 2 people had to make them. And 2 people had to make them. On and On and On and On. We are all connect somehow via this beautiful process as somewhere way back where, this process had to get started somewhere.

Ok – so that is how we people are connect, but what about everything else. After all – we all are connected.

You are born. And you will die. There is no way around that fact. You will return to the earth. It says this in the Bible:

All came from the dust and all return to the dust

We return to the earth. We become the dust. The dust that creates fertile ground. Dust that creates the ground in which our food will grow, which nourish our humans. We flow into the water to feed life to plants and other animals. We become the water which cycles to the rain and clouds. We all return to the dust, which is so vital to life. We all are connected in this way.

How beautiful would the world be if we realize we are all truly connected? That we all are one in the same. Would racism exist? Terrorism exist? Hatred exist? Hard to say, but I do know if more people realized that everything in the world is interconnected and this connectedness is vital to life, maybe – just maybe – more people would turn to love and compassion instead of hate and violence.

But that really is another topic for another day. Continuing on with the Law of Divine Oneness.

Why the Law of Divine Oneness is important

All the 12 laws of the universe are important in their own way. But this is one of the foundations of the universe. But knowing everything is connected, you can know that you effect the world. Your energy, your source, your vibrations, your karma, whatever you call it – it effects the world.

If the entire world could vibrate at the highest frequency with love, energy, compassion, hope, positivity, and other positive feels, we could literally move mountains. But we don’t. In fact, I may be so bold as to say more people focus on the lowest vibrations possible. And that effects the world.

Everything is energy. So when your low energy (vibration) is sent out into the world, it brings down the overall vibrations of the world. Remember, we all are connected. So your vibrations, effect my vibrations. Sure – I can still vibrate much higher than you can, but that energy – that vibration – can neither be destroyed or created. That is energy. So when you are low – I simply cannot be as high, as your low and my high want to meet in the middle. Your low energy can take away from the world. It prevents people from being at their highest energy. And if enough people run through the world with low energy, the world starts to be dragged down.

The same is true for your higher energy. If you can vibe high through life, you will effect those with lower energy. Your high vibes will come down a bit, but their low vibes will come up. And the higher you can vibe, the higher you can bring up the lower vibes.

That is one of the main reasons I named this site HigherVibesLife.com. The secret to a happy, healthy, wealthy, fruitful life – better than even you can dream about – is in your vibrations. But not just in your vibrations. In the worlds vibration. Keeping the world at a high vibration is how we can make this world start doing amazing things.

How To Use The Law Of Divine Oneness

The law of divine oneness isn’t really a law that you “apply” as much of the other laws for the Universal Laws. The Law of Divine Oneness is more of one that you need to be aware of – we all are connected.

Keep that in your mind as you interact with people. You are connect. You are him, and he is you. You are one in the same, one in the spirit. When people greet others with Namaste (usually in Yoga), it means the light (or spirit) in my bows the light (or spirit) in you. The Spirit of God is in every single believer. We all have this beautiful energy flowing through us and the universe. Knowing this – that you are connect to every one and everything you interact with, how will you be different? How will you interact? And what can you to do raise your vibrations, while raising others?

Those are the questions to ask yourself as you look into the Law of Divine Oneness.