Universal Law: Law of Action

Ah, the law of action. One of the laws of the universe that most people forget about or intentionally leave out when talking about law of attraction, manifestation, and whatever other secret that pertains to this. Want to the know the real secret to the law of attraction? It is the law of action.

What is the Law of Action

Law of ActionSimply put, the law of action is where you put in the work. Do you seriously think you can just visualize something and it will magically appear in front of you? The universe is pretty amazing, but let’s get a little real here. You have to do something! And this is where the law of action comes in to play. You have to take action on what you want – purely and simply.

But not just any action. If you just work, but don’t know what you are work toward, you aren’t applying the law of action. The law of action is when you put action in a diliberate manner toward whatever you are trying to visualize. And the universe helps out here.

You see – the entire process works together. It isn’t just the action, or just the vibration, or just the attraction, it is the entire set of 12 laws working hand in hand to proved the best life for you.

When you start applying this process, the universe shows you the way. But you have to ACT on what it presents. You need ACTION behind what you think.

Let’s apply a little science here to help out.

Let’s say you are working on manifesting $1,000 dollars. Your vibes are high on it, you are visualizing the abudance in your life, this $1000 is as good as yours, and you know it. It is top of mind.

It is top of mind.

So since it is top of mind, because you are vibin’ high on it, and seeing it in your mind, the universe goes to work. It starts turning your attention to ways you can make $1000 dollars. And then you need to act on them. You may get a great idea in the shower, you may get an opportunity for a new job or side gig, something will present itself. And because it is top of mind, you will notice it (See the law of vibration). But, if you just notice it, nothing will happen. Yes – that idea will be great. Yes – that opportunity may be there. But if you lack the action to take advantage of them, you will never get what you want.

Why The Law of Action is Important

You have to take the action knowing the universe has your back. Knowing that you are exactly where you need to be, no second guessing. The universe will provide everything you need, you just have to believe, feel it, and take that inspired action!

Ok – Here comes those haters – I feel it now:

So if my house catches on fire, I should just stay in it and burn, because that is what the universe wants me to do, Right?

NO! Not even close! Take the action to get the f*ck out!

It reminds me of a story someone once told me in church.

This big rain storm was coming and this town was flooding. The police started evacuating the town, but there was this one stubborn old man. When told to leave, he said “NO – God will save me”. The waters got higher, so he had to move to his second floor. A boat came by and told him to get in. The man again said “No – God will save me”. Finally, he ended up on the roof. A helicopter flew over, lowered a ladder and said climb up or you will die. The man again said “No – God will save me”. The man dies. When he gets to Heaven, he asks God “Why did you save me?”. God said – I gave you 3 chances!

The point is, take the action. Trust your gut. Is your gut really telling you to stay in the house because it is the universe pointing you in that direction? I doubt it.

How To Use The Law Of Action

law of actionThe law of action is simple. Deploy action. Work. Hustle. Grind. Call it whatever you want, but you have to put in the time. You have to have that inspired action toward your goals in order to make all the dreams that you have come true. Yes – it isn’t glamourous. This is the glaring piece that The Secret conveniently left out. Nothing magically appears. Not magically happens. You want that new bike? Take what the universe gives to you and apply it. Want that new car? Yes – feel it, crave it, want it. Test drive it. Sit in that soft chair and imagine your hands wrapped around that leather wrapped, heated steering wheel. Then get up and work for it. Because if you don’t, that car will always be in your head and not your drive way.

Here are 5 things you can do to start using the law of action:

  1. Flex that hustle muscle. Work. Pure and simple. Develop that grit that it takes to live your dreams. Even if you don’t know what you want yet, work at your current job. Develop that habit of hustle and sweat. First in last out. What else can you do? That mindset will take you far once the universe starts showing you the way.
  2. Watch the signs. The universe will show you the way. You will show yourself the way. When you start getting inspired ideas, your inspired actions will follow. That million dollar idea in the shower? Get out and write that down. That book title while driving? Open voice notes and dictate. The universe will help you – but you need to help yourself.
  3. Act on the signs. It drives me bananas on how many people get the inspired idea, but fall short on the work. Work isn’t pretty. Work isn’t easy. Work isn’t fun. But it is needed. NOTHING WILL APPEAR OUT OF MAGIC. We live in a world where we are waiting for the mistake amazon package with the $1,000,000 inside. That doesn’t happen. If lottery winners needs to get off the damn couch and go but a ticket. SOMETHING needs to happen fore ANYTHING happens.
  4. Keep pushing. The universe has it’s own time. It may take a day of work. It may take 10 years of work. Don’t stop. If your passion and your dream is big enough, and you will do anything to take advantage of it, 10 years of work is easy for you, because you know one day you will get it. It is easy to stop when you aren’t seeing results, but you could be one shovel scoop away from striking oil.
  5. Stay Inspired. Inspired ideas result in inspired action. In order to get inspired ideas, you need to be inspired. You need to know your goal, your why, your dream, and visualize it to the point it is an emotion. FEEL it. See that house, every day – every morning and every night. See that new car, the family, that wife, whatever it is, make sure it inspires you so that grit and work is easy to do.

And there you have it – another law in the books! Be sure to look at the other 12 laws of the universe, and keep on livin’ that higher vibes life!