Remove The Negative Energy

Let’s face it: being positive is more fun.

Sure, being positive let’s you see the light in a positive world, which means you spread more light, more love, and higher vibrations across the world.

But being positive is also just more fun. Pure and simple.

Think about – how much fun is being negative? I say none. Zilch. Nada. ZERO.

Because it isn’t. I’ve tried.

I tried getting people to feel sorry for me because I lost everything in a fire. Because I had no money. Because I hated my job. Because I worked to much. Because I was overweight. Because I had no direction in my life. Because BLAH BLAH BLAH.

And then I turned positive – and my world changed.

And yours can too!

And how you do it is very simple: BE POSITIVE.

Yes – it is just that simple. All you have to do to be positive in your life is be positive. Same as everything else you do in life.

Shhhhhh….. do you hear that? Here come the boos from the cheap seats:

But Zach – it isn’t as simple as “just being positive”. You can’t just wake up and be positive.

Yes. Yes you can. I do. My wife does. The best people I know do. And although I wasn’t always that way – I do now.

But I do agree it is hard to change. But there is one easy law of the universe that allows you to do this. Please go read Law Of Polarity and come back.

TL/DR: The law of polarity states that everything has an opposite – a polar opposite. And I will give you one guess as to what the opposite of positive is…


The opposite of postivie is negative.

Therefore, if you want to be positive, you have to not be negative.

I KNOW!! Simple right?

But let’s take this deeper…

How does one stop being stop being negative?

You remove the negativity around you. ALL OF IT. COMPLETELY.

No more negativity. Act as if it doesn’t exist. Remove the negative feelings you have in your life. The negative people. The negative thoughts. The negative emotions.

They aren’t serving you. They are literally doing NOTHING for your life, so what are they there? Why are you dealing with it?

Remember, everything has an opposite, so for everything that is not serving you, there is an opposite that CAN serve you, and it is all on the side of positivity.

And here comes the news that is tough to hear: This means cutting things/people/jobs/obsessions/addictions out of our your life that aren’t serving you.

I know this hurts to hear and I know your reactions. They were the same as mine:

-But what will my happy hour buddies think? Who will they complain to about their shitty marriage?

-But what will that girl I work with think? Who will she complain to about her love life?

-But what will my job think? Who will they get to sit pissed off in a cubicle?

-But what will I watch instead of trash TV and news? How will I know all the shit that goes on in the world?

See what I did there? All the things that are negative in your life is effecting YOUR positivity. They are influencing you be having all that negativity flood your head, your thoughts, and therefore you life.

Turn it off. Tune it out. Leave it be. Put more positivity into your life.

I go on three 20 min walks a day listening to podcasts and ebooks on motivation, law of attraction, inspiration, and other things to put positivity into my life, instead of browsing Facebook to see the things the opposite side of my political affiliation are f*cking up next, or listening to the office gossip and negativity, or anything else that could mess up my vibes.

You have got to change your situation to change your situation. If you constantly continue to let the negativity come into your life, it gets real hard real fast to flip the script of positivity.

Focus on being more positivity into your life. Find that podcast, take that half-glass-full-all-the-time-it-is-obnoxious person to lunch and ask what their secret is, stop hanging out with that friend, break up with that boyfriend, divorce that wife – THIS IS THAT IMPORTANT.

At the end of YOUR life, all you have is YOUR life. Not the news on TV life. Not your job life. Not your boyfriend life. Not your wife life. YOUR life. That things YOU did. The decisions YOU made. The moments YOU had. The memories YOU make.

And being positive makes all those better.

So make a conscious effort in the future to remove the negative, and bring in more positivity into your life. Your life will change – I can promise you.