Universal Law: Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Ah – the law of perpetual transmutation of energy – the longest, most scientific law of the universe. The law of perpetual transmutation of energy goes back to what we looked in grade school about energy, and how it is all around us. Use this law with the law of vibration for maximum results.

What is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Let’s break down each work in this law, to better understand what it is.

Perpetual – Never ending.

transmutation – Action of changing state.

Energy – everything that is around us.

So, the true definition of the law of perpetual transmutation of energy, if we break it down, is the law of the never ending action of changing state of everything around us.


Basically, we have the ability, the never ending ability, to change the energy around us.

THe law of vibration shows this. Higher vibes, consume / change lower vibrations. You can change people that are negative into the positive. YOU CAN CHANGE. You are not stuck where you are at. Energy can be changed all the time, in endless capacity, so to think you are stuck where you are at – stuck in the job, or relationship, or friendships, or body, or diet, or anything else is just untrue! You have the true capacity to change every single think in your life by change the energy around you.

So how do you change your energy? Change your thoughts.

Why the law of perpetual transmutation of energy is important

law of perpetual transmutation of energyHere is why this law is so important. You can change energy. Your thoughts are energy. You have the power to change your thoughts. You change your thoughts – you change your energy. You change your energy, you will attraction, based on the other laws of the universe, everything you want into your life because you are matching the energy.

People always ask – “How can I be happy?”. Or “How can I be wealthy?” thinking that there is some magic trick. If you are not happy, you are sad. If you are not wealthy, you are poor. If you are sad, your energy is radiating sadness. You get sad. If you are poor, your energy is radiating poverty. You get poverty.

Want to be happy? Change your energy to radiate happiness. You get happy. Want to be wealthy? Change your energy to radiate wealth. You become wealthy.

And here comes the boos from the cheap seats…

So let me get this straight, Zach. I currently am living below the poverty line. I am living less than pay check to pay check. We are poor by most standards. You are trying to tell me – in my current situation – that if I want to be wealthy, as poor as I am, all I need to do is just to change my energy to wealthy energy?

Precisely. That is exactly how it works. But here is where people fall off – they want to be poor. The are consumed with being poor. Being poor is all they have ever known – so it is all they will ever be.

But if you can change your energy to one of wealth and abundance, poverty does not exist in your world.

Still don’t believe me? Think of it this way: If you had no idea what being poor, or living in poverty meant, and you only knew wealth and abudance, would poverty still be in your world? No. Because your perception – your thought of poverty – doesn’t exist.

That is what I am saying here any that is what this law is all about. We have the never ending power to change the energy around us. Our thoughts are energy. Things are energy. So if we change our thoughts – if we change from sadness to happiness, from poverty to prosperity, our world changes.

How to use the law of perpetual transmutation of energy

Buddha once gave the best way on how to apply the law of perpetual transmutation of energy:

“Good thoughts will produce good actions, and bad thoughts will produce bad actions. Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by love.”

You get what you think about. The energy around you is the energy in your head. Good produces good. Bad produces bad. Hate produces hate. Love produces love.

Here are a few ways you can change what goes in, so you can change what goes out.

  1. Gratitude. Never underestimate the power of being grateful. Gratitude goes a long way. Being grateful not only in your present moment, in what you have now, but knowing that you are working your way to the future. This allows you to change energy.
  2. Visualize. Seeing the end result is important. Whatever it is you want, put that thought in your head. Put in happiness, see happiness, feel happiness, be happy. Put in wealth, abundance, prosperity and be wealthy. Get in tune with the feelings and energy that you want – and want that manifest in your life.
  3. Affirmations. Tell yourself about the good. Tell yourself about the abundance. Tell yourself about the happiness. Tell yourself about the things that you want to have or feel and how they are coming toward you.
  4. Take in the good, take out the bad. When you realize that your thoughts are your world, you will start being more careful about what you put in. How well is that late night news, or that latest Kardashian instagram post doing for your happiness and wealth? Remove them. Replace them with positive things. Find positive blogs, read self help books, put in more positivity, so more positivity will come out.
  5. Think about your thoughts. Your thoughts become your reality. Think about your thoughts, what is going in, what is coming out, and how you can change both – to maximize your life.

There you have it! That is the law of perpetual transmutation of energy. Hope you enjoyed it, and don’t forget to read about the other 12 laws of the universe!