So you are interested in learning more about your vibrations huh?

Vibration is life. Everything in the world vibrates. You are vibrating. And this vibration, combined with gratitude, visualization, positive thinking, and other mind-bending powers, will create a life that is fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams.

It’s easy to do, but it doesn’t come overnight. You have years and years and years of mental programming under your belt. So don’t think you are just going to magically wake up one morning and be present, calm, fulfilled, and successful. I have been in the practice of increasing my vibrations since 2007, and still need to increase my awareness of the world around me, what my thoughts and vibrations are creating in my life and ensure my brain is focused on where it needs to go. That is why I like to call it a practice. You continue to work at it for the rest of your life.

Which brings me to a very important point about what is discussed in this site. This is a life long belief system. This is a decision right now that you are willing to give this a shot to see if it is a belief system that you want (trust me, you do) but it isn’t for everyone. Some people think it is too far out there and that is fine. Others, like myself, believe in this process to my very core and want to teach it to the world the best I can. But let get one thing straight; this is not a get-rich-quick philosophy.

If you have something awry in your life right now, and you think that meditating on the outcome NOW, focusing your energy on the outcome will produce the result NOW, this practice is not for you. This is not something you come to for instant results. Although results can be instant, that is the wrong mindset. This is a belief. This is a lifestyle. This is a life long way of thinking and looking at the world to spread positive energy and increase the positive vibrations all around you, therefor increase your abundance and giving you the life that makes you fulfilled. So don’t try it. If you want to commit, commit. But don’t come on this site searching for your quick fix, because you won’t find it.

That said – we all need to start somewhere. This page is dedicated to resources that help you get on your way.

The Secret

This is a great place to start. It not only introduces you to the law of attraction but introduces you to some of the greatest minds in the world on the subject. The Secret is what got me started on my journey. As I developed, I realized that – although a great primer on the law of attraction – it does fall short on seeing the full story of the laws of the universe and using them to move your life forward. You simply cannot sit in a lazy boy, imagine griping your new car steering wheel, and that car show up in your driveway. It’s a start – but there is more that goes into it. Another great thing about this book, is you get introduce to so some of the greatest minds in this space, throughout the space. Learn their names, business, and dive deep into the world.

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Think and Grow Rich

If you go onto any expert’s site, more than likely they are going to suggest Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. Written WELL before The Secret, the idea of thinking of the riches that you want, the science behind (even back when it was written!) proves that this system works. Still very valid in the industry and should be standard reading for anyone interested in taking their life to the next level. There are sooo many versions of the book – make sure you look at who writes it, make sure it is the actual book (a lot of marketers try to take advantage of the uneducated (SHOCKER)). The image provided goes to the version I have, which is a great version.

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As a Man Thinketh

Another classic, written well before it’s time to show that this isn’t some fad that is here and gone with tomorrow – this idea of thinking stands the test of time. In this classic book on thinking, the book describes how each of us shapes the events around us, creating our own lives in abundance. This book will start developing your mind to start doing what you want – to start seeing the abundance and prosperity in life – through your own thinking and mind. POWERFUL STUFF! Similar to the book above, being an older book, watch the version you get. Some people use the name for something completely different, some are the original text, which is hard to read. Look for something that has been updated, but still by the original author.

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious mind is the book that expanded the law of attraction concept I first learned in the Secret. There is SOOO much more than the Secret gives. This “power” isn’t 100% floating out there there in the universe. The energy – the vibrations – start in your brain. Subconscious does a majority of the thinking on the day to day living. We, as thinking human beings, have the power to actually change our brain – our subconscious – to work in flow with the life that we want! Changing subconscious changes behavior, behavior change life. Literally thinking gets you the life that you want!

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Another book that started bridging the gap in what the “secret” really is, how science, our thoughts/thinking, subconscious, and other aspects of the world play a role in the law of vibrations – getting what you want out of life. This book was my turning point in this belief system. This book is what hooked me to this framework, allowed me to believe that there was something that I could do to my life, that could directly affect my life – and since then – my life has never been the same. This book – written some time ago – really puts into perspective the power of thought, the power of change, and the power that resides in all of us to do big things with our lives.

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