Universal Law: The Law of Vibration

The law of vibration may just be my favorite law of the universe. So much so, I named this site after it! But more than anything, I think the law of vibration is something that people can understand. It is a concept they can grasp, unlike some of the other universal laws.

What is the Law of Vibration

Law of VibrationI don’t want to say that the Law of Vibration is the most important – but it is pretty far up on the list. Why? Because it is about your energy. It is the way you hold yourself. It is about what you say, what you do, how you act. And that is pretty important.

Everything in the world is energy – at it’s purest form. Everything is molecules spinning around. It vibrates. Energy vibrates. YOUR energy vibrates. The higher the energy, the higher the vibrations. The higher the vibrations, the better life. The higher your vibrations are, the more likely you are to align with other vibrations in the world. Things start matching your energy. High vibrations = high energy = attracting other high vibration into your life.

Yes – that sounds far out there if this is the first time reading about this. But it makes sense when you think about it. And don’t make sense if you think about it.

One reason people fall off the manifestation bandwagon is because of The Secret, where it is said to literally think about that brand new car, and that car will literally appear in your driveway.

That is not how it works. That isn’t how any of this works. Thank you mainstream media for once again trying to make humans lazy.

Yes – you match vibrations with things. But if you think that those things are going to magically appear in your life, you are sadly mistaken for something that doesn’t exists.

By matching energy, you allow yourself to notice what the universe is bringing to you. Those things were there all along, but your intention is open, your eyes are open, and the thoughts of possibilities are open. When you vibrate low, you don’t see those things because you are only matching low vibrations in the world.

Follow that?

OK – let’s use a real life example.

Why The Law Of Vibration Is Important

Meet Joe. Joe is vibrating high. His energy is high. This makes him positive, outgoing, and excited for life. Joe wants to make $2000 in extra spending cash this money. So he raises his vibrations to match that – and uses his energy to make it happen. He KNOWS that this can happen because he KNOWS the universe is working for him – that is why his energy is so high. So while walking home from work, he bumps into an old friend, and because he is high energy, he is genuinely grateful and excited to see him. Turns out, he is in the marketing business and is looking for someone to run a few social media campaigns for him as a side gig. Project pays about 2k when all said and done. Joe smiles as he hears this, knowing it isn’t fate – it is his energy, vibrations, and the universe getting his back. Joe is a happy guy.

Now let’s meet Jane. Jane isn’t vibrating as high as Joe. In fact – she is in low vibration, and therefore, low energy. This makes her negative, withdrawn, and thinks life is just ho hum. Like Joe, she too would like to make $2,000 in extra spending cash. But thinks that it is a hard and difficult task. And bad things always happen to her, so she never really will get the money, but she wants it. She doesn’t believe in her true self she will get it. She also runs into a friend on her way home from work, but because she is low energy and withdrawn, she barely makes small talk, and instead hurries along while thinking of all the ways she CAN’T make 2k a month. Her energy get lower as she gets more and more distraught about not making the extra money. Jane isn’t very happy.

Be more like Joe.

So what do you think reading these stories? Does it make sense? Do you believe it? Did it hit you in the gut? Or do you still think this is hogwash?

Well – what if I told you that JOE is a true story. And what if I told you JOE is me.

That actually happened to me. When I first started on this manifestation journey, I ran soooo many “test” to see if it was real. I know you should test the universe, you should just believe, but I was skeptic – which is why I ask readers here to just try it. Test it.

Anyways – I told the universe i’d like 2k in extra spending money. I was doing pretty well for myself at the time, but an extra 2k with no where to go would be fun spending money. I knew I could do it – just need to see it. And sure enough, I landed some social media project work netting about 2k when the project was over.

Would this opportunity been there if I was vibrating low? Yes. Would I have noticed and taken it the same way if I was vibrating low? Probably not.

You see – if you think you can’t you are right. So if you are thinking you can’t make 2k, you are right – and the universe will grant you your wish. But if you look for that 2k, you are going to find it.

That is the true secret to how this all works. Your vibration is your energy. Your energy allows your mind to notice things along the same energy wave lengths, so you can acquire the things you are wanting.

If I would have sat on my ass thinking of that 2k, feeling good about that 2k, but never got up off my ass, I never would have got it.

How To Use The Law of Vibration

Ok, so you want to use the law of vibration? Good. Where do you start? Here are a few ways you can raise your vibrations, and use the law of vibration to your advantage.

Law of Vibration

  1. Get Emotional – your emotions are very powerful. Positive or negative, they can effect you. It is important to use your emotions for good, not bad. Stay positive in all you do. When you ask for something, KNOW that it is possible. FEEL the feelings of getting whatever you want, SEE yourself getting it. The more emotion you have, the more your vibrations go one way or another. More positive emotions = higher vibes. Negative emotions = lower vibes. Read the story again about Joe and Jane. Joe has strong positive emotions.
  2. Be grateful. Gratitude is very powerful, on many fronts. Being grateful for where you are, here – now – knowing you have everything you need, and therefore the universe can provide more out of abundance, not of lack, is key to higher vibrations. Do what you got to do to be grateful. Meditate on gratefulness. Keep a gratitude journal. Walk with gratitude. Whatever you need to do to be grateful, be grateful.
  3. Vibrational Check In. Set a daily reminder for yourself – multiple if you need – to check in with yourself on where your vibrations are. Are you in a good mood? Do you have energy? Are you excited for life, or even the thing you are doing? If you answer no to anything during your check in – reset. Stop what you are doing, go outside if you can, be grateful, increase energy, and increase your vibrations.
  4. Disconnect. Stress is a big part of vibrations. If you are stressed, about anything, your focus narrows. When your focus narrows, your energy shrinks. When your energy shrinks, your vibrations are low. Stress is caused by the unknown. Not knowing the result of something. Not knowing what someone else things. Not having something that someone else else. It is rooted in the lack and scarcity, which never is a high vibration. And sadly – in today’s world – technology is one of the biggest culprits of this. Stress is sometimes inevitable, but being nose down on your insta-fb-tweets and what is going on 24/7 is creating artificual stress that is hindering all of our vibrations. Put the phone down. Go outside and breathe fresh air. Play with your kids. Go do something without technology, and check in with your vibrations. I think you will find an increase every time.
  5. Have fun. If someone asked me – What is the one thing I can do to make a better life? – my answer is have more fun. Not fake fun. Not the kind of fun you want to post on instagram for people to like. YOUR fun. The fun that puts a smile on your face and warms that part of your soul that very few things do. Have fun at work. Have fun with your kids. Have fun with your wife. Have fun outside. Have fun as often as you can. But have fun for you. Not for instagram. Not for facebook. Not for your mom. Not even for your wife. Have fun for  you.

And there you have it. That is my outline / how – to on the Law of Vibration. Hopefully you enjoyed it! Check out the other laws and their outlines, and drop me a line if I can help raise your vibrations!