Your True Authentic Life

When I get talking with people about what I do here at, most people try to get free coaching out of me and ask “What is the one thing I can do to improve me life?” or something to that effect.

And that answer is easy; live your true authentic life.

This is the core of happiness as I see it. Sure – there is more that goes into it. But if you want to take that first step forward, that biggest step – it is living your true authentic life.

And in order to live your true authentic life, you need to know what a true authentic life means to you. You need to be able to be your true authentic self.

Not the self your ego wants you to be. Not the self your boss wants you to be. Not the self your parents what you to be. The self – the true authentic self – that YOU want to be.

And this is perhaps that hardest part of the process, the self discovery.

Because it is all on you.

The proper way to do self discovery is to discovery your self – to discover you. What makes you tick, how your personally developed, your personally philosophy, what your beliefs are, what makes you happy, and everything in between that.

Once you know yourself, and knows what you want in life, from a true sense of your being, then you can go after it. Then you can start on the path with the truest of souls knowing that you are going down a path that sets your heart on fire.

That is easiest said than done.

This is hard because of the influences in our life. We have so many influences effecting what we believe, effecting the way we think, effecting the way we live our life. And although we may think that – during a self discovery journey – that we are truly thinking for our self, there are influences that persuade us to think a specific way.

We think we want a specific job, because that is what we said in the past, or what we went to school for.

We want the marriage because everyone is suppose to get married and have a partner.

We want the divorce because people around us got a divorce and they are happier. We DON’T want the divorce because we “marry for life” and should be miserable and married instead of happy and divorced.

We want more money, or better cars, or bigger homes, because that is what shows that world we are doing ok. We want less money, and no cars, and tiny homes, because that is how we show we go against the grain.

We could go on and on and on and on regarding the influences that we have in our life and shape the way we think.

And this effects your self discovery.

Because self discovery is the true discovery of the self – the opinion-less, non-influenced discovery of who you are – means that you leave all of that behind.

This means you need to sit quietly with yourself and meditate on your self discovery. It means looking at the influences in your life, and peeling back the layers of what is going on for them and their influence in your life. You need to make decisions with your ego quiet, so you can hear your soul and what is calling you.

Once you do that – you are on your way to a true authentic life. And once you have that – happiness is already upon you.

When we try to be what other people want, or we try to suffer through life thinking there is a specific game plan that we need to do, act on, and go forth on, that creates stress because we think we are going down the right back, but we know we really are just running around in a circle and not going down the path of what we truly want to do, or truly want to be.

This is not an overnight thing. For some, it takes years to go down this path and find yourself. But the journey is sooo worth it. The freedom of realizing you have found your true authentic self is a peace that is hard to describe. It is a happiness knowing you are living – living the glorious life in all it’s freedom.

But don’t get fooled thinking there is an end point to this. There is not a finish line you cross on the journey to self discovery and magically become enlighten. It is a journey for a reason, you follow the path, continuing to improve. That is the real peace – knowing you have found your true journey.