Focus On Your Mission

focus on your missionI am a firm believer in focusing on your mission. When you focus on your mission in life, you can reset yourself back to your goals and the vibrations it takes you to get there.

Without this, you will see every shiny object and run toward that as the next thing you need in your life, which isn’t for you. It is for your ego. Focus on your mission for you, and watch the world fall into place.

We all are guilty of this – whether you care to admit it or not. You are cruising along, vibin’ high, minding your business when you check Instagram, and you start minding other people’s business. Next thing you know, you are worrying about why they are having that experience, thing, or vibration and you aren’t. And BAM – you are off your vibes.

Every second you spend thinking about someone else’s vibrations, what they have, what they are doing, how they are living, is a second you stop your own vibration. You lower your own vibration.

A great way to counterbalance this is to go back to your mission in your life – your written script on you living your best life.

Which means you need to have a mission in the first place.

Which means you need to understand what YOU want in life.

And when you do this – sure, you make get your focus taken away temporarily, but you will be able to go back to your own mission – your own dreams and aspirations on how YOU want to live – and quickly move past the squirrel effect of what everyone else is doing.

Here is how to focus on your mission:


Step 1: Write your mission statement out. I like to call it a mission statement. You can call it your dream life, your perfect day, whatever language you need to use. But – what this is – is every single goal, desire, manifestation, routine, everything you want in life, culminated into a single document (yes – you write this down). This is your highest self. What are you doing, seeing, experiences, earning, living for, everything? Remember – this is your highest version of yourself – your highest vibration – so don’t get caught up in where you are now, or a timeline. Just spend some time thinking about how you want to live – and write it down.

Step 2: Carry your mission statement with you. If you wrote it in a notebook – great. Have that notebook on you. If you typed in (like I do into Evernote) that is great too – print out that page, fold it up and carry it with you at all times.

Step 3: Read it 2x daily. I like to read mine before starting work, and after work. This resets my brain on my desires. Find your best time – and read it – out loud. Read also when you feel yourself starting to focus on what other people are doing to bring yourself back to your own truth. But don’t just read it – visualize it. An experience that day – an experience that life. Feel the emotions, see the weather – the sensations that go along with it.

Step 4: Adjust as needed. With your mission statement being your highest vibe – it is important to know that you are not stuck on that vibration. You can change. Watch how you feel when reading it. If you find yourself not truly feeling like this is you, adjust it. Edit it. Add to it. Take things away. Maybe you see yourself living in the hustle and bustle of the big city, but then take a trip to the Caribbean and realize the island life is for you – change it! This is your highest you and that highest you can change.

Step 5: Create a habit. This should be a habit. Reading and adjusting. Adjusting and reading. This should be second nature to you. Because once you know what your mission is, and it is still instilled in you there is no pushing you off of it, you start naturally going into the directions of your mission. The universe starts providing the way, the little messages, opportunity, synchronicities all of it will start appearing.

Still, need help? Here is my current version of my mission statement:

I wake up from a peaceful night’s rest in my peaceful and serene bedroom at 6a. I take a moment, thank the universe for another glorious day to live my best life. I get up, take a pee, get dressed in my workout gear, and head out to make breakfast / lunches for my boys. I grab my first cup of coffee, and then go wake the boys up. Everyone gets dressed, we eat breakfast, and we all depart the house at 6:50a. I get the honor of taking my boys to school. After drop off, I come home, get a workout out in in our home gym. After that, I grab another cup of coffee, and head to my office to start my work day which consists of running my own 7-figure online businesses. Each day is different, between writing blog posts, record podcast, schedule podcasts, create courses, create social media posts, everything to drive revenue from my online business. I usually do this from 830a till about 12p, where I then make a healthy lunch, get a quick jacuzzi sesh in to recovery from the morning workout, shower, get dress again – this time regular ol clothes, and work again from 1p till 3p. Once pick up is done, we come home and usually play int he back yard for an hour till mom gets back home at 4p. We cook dinner while the kids do some homework, we eat, then we have family time, kids shower, tv/electronic time, then off to bed for the kids, usually around 7p. My wife and I then usually go to the office and get more work done, until we unwind around 9 or 10 with a TV show, then I read in bed, before falling asleep by 10 or 11p.

This is my perfect day. Freedom to do what I want, including being the dad who picks up and drops off at school. I know this isn’t fancy, and there could be a lot more that goes into it – but today – while I sit here and write – that is my nirvana. That is my perfect day that I frame my entire existence around to try to make that a reality.

It works. It helps ground you as you go through life. It put’s your brain on the wavelength to get where you need to go. It’s powerful.

